The Kippford Association exists to represent the villagers and look after the interests of the village and to manage the village hall and other assets. This includes providing recreational facilities and organising cultural and social activities. Everyone who is a resident of Kippford is automatically deemed a member of the Association, which is run by a committee made up of local residents.
The Association is a charity registered in Scotland: SC012840. We rely on the generosity of residents and Holiday Home owners, and also undertake fundraising events throughout the year, to maintain the Village Hall and facilities around the village. See our Donations page on how to contribute.
Committee Members
Joanne Harris
Kate Rosindale
Kay Harriman
David Butler
Alex Howie
Mike Riding
Robert Kennedy
Councillor Davie Stitt
Councillor Ian Blake
AGM Minutes
& Most Recent Minutes
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the Village Hall on 1st July 2024.
Present: Sam Sample, Robert Kennedy, Alex Howie, David Butler, Brian Carson, Frank Williamson.
Davie Stitt (Councillor)
1. Apologies.
Kay Harriman, Cameron Mills, Kate Rosindale, Joanne Harris, Ian Blake.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting held 3rd June 2024.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters arising.
No response, at this stage, from the Ark regarding car park sign.
The Kippford painting has sold well. Only 2 or 3 prints are left.
4. Treasurers report.
Big Expenditure items this month:
Annual cost of website hosting -£360.
Gardening work – £300.
Window and gutter cleaning – £130.
Big income items:
Car park donations- £587.15
Wayleave rights for the Kipp – £389.55
5. Nature reserve update.
Mike Riding has stepped down from the committee but will still be involved with the Nature Reserve.
The Chairperson and all the committee wish to thank Mike for his hard work over the years he has served the Kippford Association.
Shane will be cutting back the paths.
6. Hall managers report.
Thanks to David Woodthorpe-Evans for sourcing and replacing damaged windows in the kitchen.
New heaters will be installed soon.
The cleaning of the gutters, porch glass and outside windows has been organised.
Events – RNLI on the 8/6/24 and a wedding party in July.
7. SCIO.
Cameron and Sam are meeting next week to further progress this.
8. Village Hall Grass Cutting.
Shane will now do the grass cutting on an Add Hock basis. If the council leave it too long.
9. Urr Navigation Trust.
10. Grant Application RCF 042-23/25
This grant, to extend paths, has been successful. £3845 from the grant plus £1215 from the Association.
11. Village Dinner.
Possible date is 26/10/24. Brian will check with Gary regarding availability of the Anchor as last year.
12. Bin Collection.
The Pines Road bin collection issue is not yet settled. Community bins are not welcome as considered to be unsightly and also no sensible place to site them.
13. Forestry Consultation Feedback.
There was a massive turnout at Colvend Village Hall regarding the possible plans for Dalbeatie Woods and Mark Hill. Whilst improving the tracks and signage was generally welcome the idea of 50 cabins at Mark Hill was clearly not wanted by local people.
14. Village BBQ Review.
Very positive feedback has been received.
We received £40 in donations on the day.
It was agreed that in future we should request an RSVP date.
Thanks went to Robert Kennedy for organising the music and to Brian for cooking the food and setting up and Alex for organising the invites. Thanks to all who helped with the set up.
Thanks also to the Yacht club for the loan of their BBQ.
We should purchase a gas bottle for the next event and a new gazebo.
15. AOCB.
A discussion took place regarding the cleaning of the monument on the green in front of the hall.
It was decided not to proceed at this time but to keep this under review.
16. Date of next meeting.
Monday 2/9/24 at 7pm in the village hall.
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the Village Hall on 3rd June 2024.
Present: Sam Sample, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Alex Howie, David Butler, Joanne Harris, Frank Williamson.
1. Apologies.
Kay Harriman, Brian Carson, Robert Kennedy, Ian Blake, Davie Stitt, Kim Lowe.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting held 6th May 2024.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters arising.
Kippford Village BBQ Posters have been circulated on the WhatsApp group and posted to the Website.
Frank will circulate on the email database.
4. Treasurers report.
£4,000 part payment for heaters and £1,118 for insurance paid out.
5. Nature reserve update.
No volunteering work at the moment.
We need someone to do strimming twice a year.
Roadside between bottom gate and Kippford sign is overgrown and untidy. We will push council for action.
It was observed that the village was looking generally weedy! David Butler agreed to organise a work party.
Cameron advised that some damage had been done to the wall, near the top gate, due to a tree fall. Cameron and Mike will try to sort this.
6. Hall managers report.
Thanks to David Woodthorpe-Evans for sourcing and replacing damaged windows in the kitchen.
New heaters will be installed soon.
The cleaning of the gutters, porch glass and outside windows has been organised.
Events – RNLI on the 8/6/24 and a wedding party in July.
7. Sign Request.
The Ark has asked for permission to place a sign in the car park. The committee agreed to this provided it was not displayed whilst the Ark was closed.
8. Cockle Boat.
The cockle boat is looking unsightly. The secretary will write to the owners once contact details have been provided.
9. Kippford Painting.
We have 15 A5 prints and 200 post cards of a painting by Charles Stephen Meacham.
They have been donated by a generous villager with the request that the proceeds are split between the RNLI and the Kippford Association.
Frank will organise the sale.
10. SCIO
David Currie, from UK law, will look at this for us. What do we own and on what terms.
11. AOCB
Pine Martin box is a viable proposition.
A grey squirrel catcher is required for the Kippford area.
The Mens Shed are working on 2 of our benches. More will be done.
12. Date of next meeting.
Monday 1/7/24 at 7pm.
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the Village Hall on 6 May 2024.Present: Sam Sample (Chair), David Butler, Brian Carson, Joanne Harris, Alex Howie, Robert Kennedy, Kim Lowe (Councillor), Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Kate Rosindale (Minutes), Davie Stitt (Councillor).
Kay Harriman, Mike Riding, Frank Williamson. 2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 April 2024 The minutes were accepted as a correct record. 3. Matters arising
4. Treasurer’s report Income from car parking has been very good – £247.70 this month. Three telephone payments have been received so the system is working. Income has been received from the various sports activities in the Hall. Expenditure on insurance has still to be processed. Costs of grass cutting every 2 weeks are needed. 5. Nature reserve update Volunteer work on the Reserve is now in recess. Path repairs will be carried out by contractors once grant funding has been received. 6. Hall Manager’s report
7. Bin collections A meeting has been held with representatives of the Council regarding bin collection in the Pines. The lorry is too big and alternative methods were discussed. No agreement was reached but a moratorium on changes has been agreed until September. It is likely that whatever is eventually agreed will be imposed on all other private roads in the village which require reversing the trucks. Ideas are required for the placement of communal bins. 8. Website update Tom Green has now seen how the system works and is available to do updates. The News section needs attention first. Items could be gathered at each Committee meeting and passed to Cameron or Alex. Items suggested: the Village BBQ, red squirrel and pine martens information. 9. Colvend Community Council (CCC) meeting feedback
10. AOCB
11. Date of next meeting The next meeting will be on Monday, 3 June at 7.00 pm. |
Minutes of the committee meeting held 4th of March 2024Present. Sam Sample (Chair), David Butler, Joanne Harris, Alex Howie, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale (Minutes)
Ian Blake (Councillor), Brian Carson, Kay Harriman, Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Davie Stitt (Councillor), Frank Williamson.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Sam said (in Cameron’s absence) a quiet few months. Full report anticipated at next meeting.
Sam has taken on responsibility for this. Stephen McCutcheon, Community Engagement Officer (Stewartry and Wigtownshire) for Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway has agreed to assist with the necessary paperwork and offer support through the process.
Ian Blake had circulated a document via email describing the situation.
Alex had circulated a draft of 3 Kippford Walking Trails with Quizzes which will run from spring through to autumn this year. The response was positive. The trails are to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the RNLI. Printing costs are £150. The Committee agreed to fund the printing. Profits will go to the RNLI this year and then to the Kippford Association. RNLI events held in the Hall are free of Hall charges.
A request had been received asking for Association support for the Dalbeattie Community Initiative to gather fees for the use of the Slipway. This appeal was turned down.
David had attended the Colvend Community Council meeting. He will join the Committee when a space becomes available. The Community Survey has now concluded.
Monday, 8 April at 7.00 pm. |
Minutes of the committee meeting held 7th of January 2024Present. Sam Sample (Chair), David Butler, Brian Carson, Joanne Harris, Kay Harriman, Alex Howie, Robert Kennedy, Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale (Minutes), Davie Stitt (Councillor).
Ian Blake, Frank Williamson.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record. Proposed Mike Riding. Seconded Brian Carson.
Cameron reported that there had been little activity in December. Biggest expenditure was the Christmas tree. Income from the Car Park had been very low.
Mike Reported that there had been plenty of volunteers who had removed tubes from trees and cleared ditches.
There was nothing to report.
Kay had provided a list of possible suppliers prior to the meeting. From this list, “Sailflags” was selected. They will provide a flag with toggle and cord, made from 100% recycled PET bottles (polystyrene yarn), 1.4 m x 0.7 m for £55.99 plus £6.50 for delivery. Kay had also researched baseball caps with an embroidered flag which could be sold for £15.00. Sam will circulate a Kippford Connect message to assess levels of interest.
Sam had been asked to report whether the Committee accepted Scottish Power’s proposal regarding the poles on the Nature Reserve. After some discussion, a vote was taken and the proposal was rejected.
Brian proposed having a BBQ in the summer as a community event. There was general acceptance with decisions on date and how to manage the event to be carried over to the next meeting.
A local contractor has asked for permission to park some vehicles in the car park during the next 3 months. In return, he will resurface the area. The proposal was accepted.
Monday, 5 February at 7.00 pm. |
Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Kippford AssociationVenue: Kippford Village HallDate and Time: Monday 27th November 2023 at 7pm.
Sam said the following: Welcome Good Evening everyone. Just a reminder for those who may not have attended a Kippford Association AGM before, it is important to sign the attendance sheet in the lobby. This offers us the opportunity to update our records and gives you the opportunity to join the Kippford WhatsApp group by putting your mobile number down. This year we have moved away from paper based distribution of the AGM paperwork, hopefully you have all been able to review the paperwork through either the WhatsApp group or received it via email, prior to this meeting. And I think Frank has hand delivered a few copies to those who requested them. I’m sure you will all appreciate there is a cost of production of this pack of information and then its village wide distribution which is an onerous exercise, given that we have in the past relied on the Trustees hand delivering. Hopefully you agree that the alternative media methods we have chosen to employ is the way forward for the majority, but where needed we will still offer paper copy. If there are any residents who would prefer to have a hard copy of the AGM pre meeting paperwork in the future, then please tick the box on the sign up sheets in the lobby. Thank you for attending the meeting this evening, it is an opportunity for us to explain what we are doing on your behalf, but also for you to put your questions to the Trustees. Thankfully life seems to be getting back to what feels like a much more normal footing in the village. However at this point I would like to take a moment for us to contemplate the global tragedies that have unfolded this year, and closer to home the losses within our community. I would respectfully ask for a minute silence for all the dearly beloved friends, family members and residents of the village who have passed away this year. Minutes Silence Thank You I look around the hall at this point and see lots of familiar and friendly faces and hopefully new ones too. Welcome to everyone and especially new residents to the village. The Kippford Association is always looking for volunteers, so whether you have legal experience, financial acumen, are ready and willing to wield a spade on the Nature Reserve or pick litter around the village, let us know. Equally the Constitution under which we operate requires us to churn the Trustees regularly so if you would be willing to serve on the committee, please let us know. So now we move onto the business of the evening.
Apologies were received from: Cameron Mills, Kay Harriman, Mairi Todd, Margaret Brown, Lyn and Kevin Watt, Fiona Morrison, Tony and Barbara Hartnell, Val Bradbury, Janet Brown, Mary Swales, Martin Barrett, Loraine Wood, Gerry and Lynda Dunlavey, David and Katy McCall. There were 37 people in attendance.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
There were no matters arising. 5/6. The Chairpersons review/Financial report Sam said the following: Chair review and plans Hopefully you all enjoy reading the minutes of the regular committee meetings? But this platform allows me an opportunity to add flesh to the bones of some of the issues we face. The hall is in regular use, with Badminton, Bridge Club, Carpet Bowls, Chatter Cups, exercise and yoga classes, and new this winter Pickleball. We also have an increasing number of external parties and weddings etc. This is great for income, but also means we have to keep a close eye on making the hall a welcoming and functional place for people to hold events and activities. Last winter with the exceptional cold spell, it became clear that the hall heating may require replacement. It transpired that the way the main hall heating is switched on and off may cause issues with the programming. So when the technician visited he advised on the correct reset option, but did suggest a more up to date system, with newer heat exchangers, might be more efficient. This will be a major expense at some point. With the rising cost of electricity we have installed new more efficient frost proofing heaters in the back hall and toilets. At the moment myself and Cameron are managing the hall, with David Woodthorpe-Evans very kindly doing practical stuff. The ideal scenario, however, would be to have a dedicated Hall Manager, dealing with bookings, day to day management and overseeing more substantial repair and refurbishment, so if there is anybody wishing to take on the role please let the Trustees know. The bus shelter near the slipway has been refurbished as the render was being degraded by the salt and weather. Scottish Incorporated Charitable Organisation or SCIO The Trustees are investigating the benefits of a transition from our current charitable status to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation or SCIO. Due to the difficulties in locating documentation and finding a willing legal beagle to help with the interpretation of title deeds this process is taking longer than hoped for. However, it is likely that next year we will be in a position to push on with fact finding, we will keep you fully informed of progress and I have a feeling we will need full support from the membership to make the change. There are a number of reasons why this is an essential change to go through; Firstly, because we own property ie The Kipp, the Village hall and have cash at the bank, the Trustees of the Association have legally binding responsibilities. This is not ideal, given the sums involved. The SCIO would safe guard the Trustees under different legal parameters. Another reason is that it seems increasingly difficult to get people willing to serve as Trustees, our current constitution dictates a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 12 Trustees serving on the committee. I imagine we could revisit the constitution to give us more flexibility in this respect. This is not say we would seek to change more than absolutely necessary, however we do need to update the legal framework under which we operate. Progress will be minuted through the regular committee meetings. WWTW The new waste water treatment plant for the village remains a contentious subject. Fundamentally although you may disagree, the existing situation is not sustainable, and whatever alternative system or location Scottish Water offer as a solution, that solution will not please everyone. The full planning application is now lodged with Dumfries and Galloway Council and can be viewed through the planning portal. In terms of impact on Association property, I have been contacted by Scottish Power and they have disclosed plans to relocate overhead power lines across The Kipp, to accommodate the new plant. Basically the current lines run directly over the proposed site and cannot remain where they are. Scottish Powers proposal relates to the area from the pole by the pond to the roadside telephone exchange and could have a significant impact on our specimen trees in the arboretum and pre existing woodland. Indeed their first proposed route would immediately destroy up to 60 trees and a further 40+ in 3 years time, when they would clear any further encroaching trees or regrowth. This would potentially wipe out the 100 specimen paper birch just up from the boardwalk entrance. I have pushed back against their initial proposed route, Scottish Power have revisited the site and I am waiting on two further alternatives, hopefully at least one of these will be viable, my aim will be to agree a route which will result in as little destruction to the trees and property within our ownership. As soon as I have the received the revised plans and cutting schedules the Trustees will have to agree the route, terms and any compensation if applicable. The next Scottish Water public meeting has been scheduled for 25th January. I would encourage you to keep yourselves fully appraised by attending that meeting, and if you have any particular issues that you would like the Kippford Association to raise on your behalf, then please talk to us. However I would emphasise the more individuals that attend the meetings and relay their own fears and concerns the more powerful the village voice. Village Events The New Years Day lunch was well attended, and I can report that the Village Dinner was reinstated this year, held at the Anchor, a very enjoyable evening and huge thanks to Gary and Kelly. We also had a Coronation Party in the Village Hall, and I’m happy to report that the Hogmanay Party will return to the village Hall this year. Tickets are still available. We plan to have similar array of events next year, and in addition a Village Barbecue. A little closer at hand will be the New Years Day lunch, please watch the Whats App group for more details. Thanks At this point I’d like to offer thanks to the current committee. To Frank, doing a fab job as secretary and in his absence over the winter to Kate Rosindale for stepping up. To Mike, for being so influential on the Kipp. To Cameron, for being so assiduous in his role as Treasurer. Thanks to Jo for being the social secretary, organising the Village Dinner and the Jubilee party. To Brian for being the expert on all matters building.Thanks to Martin, Mairi and Kay for being prepared to serve. And last but not least Robert, always sage advice and most engaging as devil’s advocate at our meetings. Thanks to you all. Can I also take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Association who donate. For those who may not know, it is possible to set up a regular payment to our account, or make one off payments. We also have collection boxes on the way out so please feel at liberty to contribute. Financial Report Cameron is not here tonight so if there are any questions on the accounts, we will do our best to answer them, however if necessary we may have to make written replies on his return. The accounts look in quite good shape, however at the last committee meeting the idea of a rainy day fund for unforeseen emergencies was mooted. The reason for this is that an assessment of the fabric of the hall has revealed numerous repair and refurbishment jobs that will need doing, for example, a new front door, complete refurbishment of the floor, possible new windows throughout. Those three items alone would cost way in excess of £20k. That’s without a new heating system, or external refurbishment. So knowing that we could easily commit to that level of spend, we very quickly diminish our rather healthy bank balance. The plan therefore is to have a fund set aside for that notional rainy day, we will create an annual budget including, planned capital expenditure and then ensure that we build our income through all sources to cover the budget. We debated whether we should encourage donations from residents, but we really do need to continue to seek donations, as per the constitution, we have a responsibility to continue to refurbish and maintain the precious facilities at the heart of the village. This is not an inexpensive enterprise, and for major capital expenditure we may be able to get grant funding, but much of what we need to do is just up keep. So if you feel you can afford to make donations to the Association please do so, we will endeavour to spend your money wisely. Memorial Benches We have 2 new picnic benches, which could have memorial plaques put on them. Our programme of refurbishment of village benches will continue, however the Dalbeattie Mens Shed are very busy and have limited time, but we will get around to them all in due course. I have been approached by a number of residents wanting memorial benches, and I have yet to resolve these requests, primarily because it has become clear that a number of benches at the Village Hall, and elsewhere around the village, have been installed by the local council. I have only received this definitive list in the last month. Having reviewed the list, it is apparent that there is not much room left at the front of the hall for us to a add any memorial benches on your behalf.
Grant funded stop fencing has been erected to protect the orchard. Ponies will be deployed for 2 or 3 months to maintain landscape control. The shelter has been delayed due to funding shortfall. This should be done during next year. Mike has estimated that the reserve has around 10,000 visitors a year! The reserve is thriving with lots of bird nests in the trees we planted and lots of bats too. Huge numbers of swallows, in September, possibly feeding on flying ants. Mike gave thanks to Richard Copson as the driving force behind so much grant money for the reserve. More money will be needed for maintaining and extending paths. Mike is always looking for volunteers to help out at the reserve. There were questions, from the floor, at this stage: Q1 – Any plans for promoting red squirrels. Nesting boxes were discussed as a good way of helping them out. Volunteers would be needed to help achieve this. Q2 – Why choose ponies to graze. It’s a matter of what is available. Mike happy to use “better grazers” if and when available. Q3 – Can anything be done to prevent the pond from drying out. Bottom line no. There appears to be no reasonable solution.
We have 2 Trustees standing down in Martin Rosindale and Mairi Todd and I’d like to thank them both for their contribution during their time in post. We have potentially two new Committee members who have indicated a willingness to join the team, so I would like to invite David Butler and Alex Howie to become Trustees. Is there anyone else interested in serving on the committee in the hall tonight? If there isn’t anyone else, then can I ask for the remaining committee to be ratified for a further year, with the addition of Alex and David. So the full committee will be Robert Kennedy, Jo Harris, Mike Riding, Frank Williamson, Kay Harriman, Kate Rosindale, Brian Carson, Cameron Mills, myself and the two new appointees, making 11. Can I have a show of hands that the committee as described is approved by the meeting? Thank you The vote was carried.
The one subject under AOCB was the planning permission for the WWTW. Mike Riding spoke extensively on this subject and pointed out a number of issues: Construction period of 2.5 years. 8 months of granite pecking. 179 lorries needed to remove said granite. Screening could take 10 years to reach optimum and still not be really effective. 2.5mtr high security fence. This is not an exhaustive list Sam asked for a show of hands, indicating whether the meeting would like Mike to collate and distribute key points on the potential impact of the new WWTW and for these notes to be distributed across the village. There was an overwhelming majority in support of this suggestion. Sam reaffirmed that the KA would not be objecting to the WWTW, but that individuals should object if they wanted to. Robert Kennedy gave thanks to Sam for all her hard work and leadership. The meeting finished at 7.58pm