Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the Village Hall on 3rd June 2024.
Present: Sam Sample, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Alex Howie, David Butler, Joanne Harris, Frank Williamson.
1. Apologies.
Kay Harriman, Brian Carson, Robert Kennedy, Ian Blake, Davie Stitt, Kim Lowe.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting held 6th May 2024.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters arising.
Kippford Village BBQ Posters have been circulated on the WhatsApp group and posted to the Website.
Frank will circulate on the email database.
4. Treasurers report.
£4,000 part payment for heaters and £1,118 for insurance paid out.
5. Nature reserve update.
No volunteering work at the moment.
We need someone to do strimming twice a year.
Roadside between bottom gate and Kippford sign is overgrown and untidy. We will push council for action.
It was observed that the village was looking generally weedy! David Butler agreed to organise a work party.
Cameron advised that some damage had been done to the wall, near the top gate, due to a tree fall. Cameron and Mike will try to sort this.
6. Hall managers report.
Thanks to David Woodthorpe-Evans for sourcing and replacing damaged windows in the kitchen.
New heaters will be installed soon.
The cleaning of the gutters, porch glass and outside windows has been organised.
Events – RNLI on the 8/6/24 and a wedding party in July.
7. Sign Request.
The Ark has asked for permission to place a sign in the car park. The committee agreed to this provided it was not displayed whilst the Ark was closed.
8. Cockle Boat.
The cockle boat is looking unsightly. The secretary will write to the owners once contact details have been provided.
9. Kippford Painting.
We have 15 A5 prints and 200 post cards of a painting by Charles Stephen Meacham.
They have been donated by a generous villager with the request that the proceeds are split between the RNLI and the Kippford Association.
Frank will organise the sale.
10. SCIO
David Currie, from UK law, will look at this for us. What do we own and on what terms.
11. AOCB
Pine Martin box is a viable proposition.
A grey squirrel catcher is required for the Kippford area.
The Mens Shed are working on 2 of our benches. More will be done.
12. Date of next meeting.
Monday 1/7/24 at 7pm.
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the Village Hall on 6 May 2024.Present: Sam Sample (Chair), David Butler, Brian Carson, Joanne Harris, Alex Howie, Robert Kennedy, Kim Lowe (Councillor), Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Kate Rosindale (Minutes), Davie Stitt (Councillor).
Kay Harriman, Mike Riding, Frank Williamson. 2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 April 2024 The minutes were accepted as a correct record. 3. Matters arising
4. Treasurer’s report Income from car parking has been very good – £247.70 this month. Three telephone payments have been received so the system is working. Income has been received from the various sports activities in the Hall. Expenditure on insurance has still to be processed. Costs of grass cutting every 2 weeks are needed. 5. Nature reserve update Volunteer work on the Reserve is now in recess. Path repairs will be carried out by contractors once grant funding has been received. 6. Hall Manager’s report
7. Bin collections A meeting has been held with representatives of the Council regarding bin collection in the Pines. The lorry is too big and alternative methods were discussed. No agreement was reached but a moratorium on changes has been agreed until September. It is likely that whatever is eventually agreed will be imposed on all other private roads in the village which require reversing the trucks. Ideas are required for the placement of communal bins. 8. Website update Tom Green has now seen how the system works and is available to do updates. The News section needs attention first. Items could be gathered at each Committee meeting and passed to Cameron or Alex. Items suggested: the Village BBQ, red squirrel and pine martens information. 9. Colvend Community Council (CCC) meeting feedback
10. AOCB
11. Date of next meeting The next meeting will be on Monday, 3 June at 7.00 pm. |
Minutes of the committee meeting held 4th of March 2024Present. Sam Sample (Chair), David Butler, Joanne Harris, Alex Howie, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale (Minutes)
Ian Blake (Councillor), Brian Carson, Kay Harriman, Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Davie Stitt (Councillor), Frank Williamson.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Sam said (in Cameron’s absence) a quiet few months. Full report anticipated at next meeting.
Sam has taken on responsibility for this. Stephen McCutcheon, Community Engagement Officer (Stewartry and Wigtownshire) for Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway has agreed to assist with the necessary paperwork and offer support through the process.
Ian Blake had circulated a document via email describing the situation.
Alex had circulated a draft of 3 Kippford Walking Trails with Quizzes which will run from spring through to autumn this year. The response was positive. The trails are to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the RNLI. Printing costs are £150. The Committee agreed to fund the printing. Profits will go to the RNLI this year and then to the Kippford Association. RNLI events held in the Hall are free of Hall charges.
A request had been received asking for Association support for the Dalbeattie Community Initiative to gather fees for the use of the Slipway. This appeal was turned down.
David had attended the Colvend Community Council meeting. He will join the Committee when a space becomes available. The Community Survey has now concluded.
Monday, 8 April at 7.00 pm. |
Minutes of the committee meeting held 7th of January 2024Present. Sam Sample (Chair), David Butler, Brian Carson, Joanne Harris, Kay Harriman, Alex Howie, Robert Kennedy, Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale (Minutes), Davie Stitt (Councillor).
Ian Blake, Frank Williamson.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record. Proposed Mike Riding. Seconded Brian Carson.
Cameron reported that there had been little activity in December. Biggest expenditure was the Christmas tree. Income from the Car Park had been very low.
Mike Reported that there had been plenty of volunteers who had removed tubes from trees and cleared ditches.
There was nothing to report.
Kay had provided a list of possible suppliers prior to the meeting. From this list, “Sailflags” was selected. They will provide a flag with toggle and cord, made from 100% recycled PET bottles (polystyrene yarn), 1.4 m x 0.7 m for £55.99 plus £6.50 for delivery. Kay had also researched baseball caps with an embroidered flag which could be sold for £15.00. Sam will circulate a Kippford Connect message to assess levels of interest.
Sam had been asked to report whether the Committee accepted Scottish Power’s proposal regarding the poles on the Nature Reserve. After some discussion, a vote was taken and the proposal was rejected.
Brian proposed having a BBQ in the summer as a community event. There was general acceptance with decisions on date and how to manage the event to be carried over to the next meeting.
A local contractor has asked for permission to park some vehicles in the car park during the next 3 months. In return, he will resurface the area. The proposal was accepted.
Monday, 5 February at 7.00 pm. |
Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Kippford AssociationVenue: Kippford Village HallDate and Time: Monday 27th November 2023 at 7pm.
Sam said the following: Welcome Good Evening everyone. Just a reminder for those who may not have attended a Kippford Association AGM before, it is important to sign the attendance sheet in the lobby. This offers us the opportunity to update our records and gives you the opportunity to join the Kippford WhatsApp group by putting your mobile number down. This year we have moved away from paper based distribution of the AGM paperwork, hopefully you have all been able to review the paperwork through either the WhatsApp group or received it via email, prior to this meeting. And I think Frank has hand delivered a few copies to those who requested them. I’m sure you will all appreciate there is a cost of production of this pack of information and then its village wide distribution which is an onerous exercise, given that we have in the past relied on the Trustees hand delivering. Hopefully you agree that the alternative media methods we have chosen to employ is the way forward for the majority, but where needed we will still offer paper copy. If there are any residents who would prefer to have a hard copy of the AGM pre meeting paperwork in the future, then please tick the box on the sign up sheets in the lobby. Thank you for attending the meeting this evening, it is an opportunity for us to explain what we are doing on your behalf, but also for you to put your questions to the Trustees. Thankfully life seems to be getting back to what feels like a much more normal footing in the village. However at this point I would like to take a moment for us to contemplate the global tragedies that have unfolded this year, and closer to home the losses within our community. I would respectfully ask for a minute silence for all the dearly beloved friends, family members and residents of the village who have passed away this year. Minutes Silence Thank You I look around the hall at this point and see lots of familiar and friendly faces and hopefully new ones too. Welcome to everyone and especially new residents to the village. The Kippford Association is always looking for volunteers, so whether you have legal experience, financial acumen, are ready and willing to wield a spade on the Nature Reserve or pick litter around the village, let us know. Equally the Constitution under which we operate requires us to churn the Trustees regularly so if you would be willing to serve on the committee, please let us know. So now we move onto the business of the evening.
Apologies were received from: Cameron Mills, Kay Harriman, Mairi Todd, Margaret Brown, Lyn and Kevin Watt, Fiona Morrison, Tony and Barbara Hartnell, Val Bradbury, Janet Brown, Mary Swales, Martin Barrett, Loraine Wood, Gerry and Lynda Dunlavey, David and Katy McCall. There were 37 people in attendance.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
There were no matters arising. 5/6. The Chairpersons review/Financial report Sam said the following: Chair review and plans Hopefully you all enjoy reading the minutes of the regular committee meetings? But this platform allows me an opportunity to add flesh to the bones of some of the issues we face. The hall is in regular use, with Badminton, Bridge Club, Carpet Bowls, Chatter Cups, exercise and yoga classes, and new this winter Pickleball. We also have an increasing number of external parties and weddings etc. This is great for income, but also means we have to keep a close eye on making the hall a welcoming and functional place for people to hold events and activities. Last winter with the exceptional cold spell, it became clear that the hall heating may require replacement. It transpired that the way the main hall heating is switched on and off may cause issues with the programming. So when the technician visited he advised on the correct reset option, but did suggest a more up to date system, with newer heat exchangers, might be more efficient. This will be a major expense at some point. With the rising cost of electricity we have installed new more efficient frost proofing heaters in the back hall and toilets. At the moment myself and Cameron are managing the hall, with David Woodthorpe-Evans very kindly doing practical stuff. The ideal scenario, however, would be to have a dedicated Hall Manager, dealing with bookings, day to day management and overseeing more substantial repair and refurbishment, so if there is anybody wishing to take on the role please let the Trustees know. The bus shelter near the slipway has been refurbished as the render was being degraded by the salt and weather. Scottish Incorporated Charitable Organisation or SCIO The Trustees are investigating the benefits of a transition from our current charitable status to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation or SCIO. Due to the difficulties in locating documentation and finding a willing legal beagle to help with the interpretation of title deeds this process is taking longer than hoped for. However, it is likely that next year we will be in a position to push on with fact finding, we will keep you fully informed of progress and I have a feeling we will need full support from the membership to make the change. There are a number of reasons why this is an essential change to go through; Firstly, because we own property ie The Kipp, the Village hall and have cash at the bank, the Trustees of the Association have legally binding responsibilities. This is not ideal, given the sums involved. The SCIO would safe guard the Trustees under different legal parameters. Another reason is that it seems increasingly difficult to get people willing to serve as Trustees, our current constitution dictates a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 12 Trustees serving on the committee. I imagine we could revisit the constitution to give us more flexibility in this respect. This is not say we would seek to change more than absolutely necessary, however we do need to update the legal framework under which we operate. Progress will be minuted through the regular committee meetings. WWTW The new waste water treatment plant for the village remains a contentious subject. Fundamentally although you may disagree, the existing situation is not sustainable, and whatever alternative system or location Scottish Water offer as a solution, that solution will not please everyone. The full planning application is now lodged with Dumfries and Galloway Council and can be viewed through the planning portal. In terms of impact on Association property, I have been contacted by Scottish Power and they have disclosed plans to relocate overhead power lines across The Kipp, to accommodate the new plant. Basically the current lines run directly over the proposed site and cannot remain where they are. Scottish Powers proposal relates to the area from the pole by the pond to the roadside telephone exchange and could have a significant impact on our specimen trees in the arboretum and pre existing woodland. Indeed their first proposed route would immediately destroy up to 60 trees and a further 40+ in 3 years time, when they would clear any further encroaching trees or regrowth. This would potentially wipe out the 100 specimen paper birch just up from the boardwalk entrance. I have pushed back against their initial proposed route, Scottish Power have revisited the site and I am waiting on two further alternatives, hopefully at least one of these will be viable, my aim will be to agree a route which will result in as little destruction to the trees and property within our ownership. As soon as I have the received the revised plans and cutting schedules the Trustees will have to agree the route, terms and any compensation if applicable. The next Scottish Water public meeting has been scheduled for 25th January. I would encourage you to keep yourselves fully appraised by attending that meeting, and if you have any particular issues that you would like the Kippford Association to raise on your behalf, then please talk to us. However I would emphasise the more individuals that attend the meetings and relay their own fears and concerns the more powerful the village voice. Village Events The New Years Day lunch was well attended, and I can report that the Village Dinner was reinstated this year, held at the Anchor, a very enjoyable evening and huge thanks to Gary and Kelly. We also had a Coronation Party in the Village Hall, and I’m happy to report that the Hogmanay Party will return to the village Hall this year. Tickets are still available. We plan to have similar array of events next year, and in addition a Village Barbecue. A little closer at hand will be the New Years Day lunch, please watch the Whats App group for more details. Thanks At this point I’d like to offer thanks to the current committee. To Frank, doing a fab job as secretary and in his absence over the winter to Kate Rosindale for stepping up. To Mike, for being so influential on the Kipp. To Cameron, for being so assiduous in his role as Treasurer. Thanks to Jo for being the social secretary, organising the Village Dinner and the Jubilee party. To Brian for being the expert on all matters building.Thanks to Martin, Mairi and Kay for being prepared to serve. And last but not least Robert, always sage advice and most engaging as devil’s advocate at our meetings. Thanks to you all. Can I also take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Association who donate. For those who may not know, it is possible to set up a regular payment to our account, or make one off payments. We also have collection boxes on the way out so please feel at liberty to contribute. Financial Report Cameron is not here tonight so if there are any questions on the accounts, we will do our best to answer them, however if necessary we may have to make written replies on his return. The accounts look in quite good shape, however at the last committee meeting the idea of a rainy day fund for unforeseen emergencies was mooted. The reason for this is that an assessment of the fabric of the hall has revealed numerous repair and refurbishment jobs that will need doing, for example, a new front door, complete refurbishment of the floor, possible new windows throughout. Those three items alone would cost way in excess of £20k. That’s without a new heating system, or external refurbishment. So knowing that we could easily commit to that level of spend, we very quickly diminish our rather healthy bank balance. The plan therefore is to have a fund set aside for that notional rainy day, we will create an annual budget including, planned capital expenditure and then ensure that we build our income through all sources to cover the budget. We debated whether we should encourage donations from residents, but we really do need to continue to seek donations, as per the constitution, we have a responsibility to continue to refurbish and maintain the precious facilities at the heart of the village. This is not an inexpensive enterprise, and for major capital expenditure we may be able to get grant funding, but much of what we need to do is just up keep. So if you feel you can afford to make donations to the Association please do so, we will endeavour to spend your money wisely. Memorial Benches We have 2 new picnic benches, which could have memorial plaques put on them. Our programme of refurbishment of village benches will continue, however the Dalbeattie Mens Shed are very busy and have limited time, but we will get around to them all in due course. I have been approached by a number of residents wanting memorial benches, and I have yet to resolve these requests, primarily because it has become clear that a number of benches at the Village Hall, and elsewhere around the village, have been installed by the local council. I have only received this definitive list in the last month. Having reviewed the list, it is apparent that there is not much room left at the front of the hall for us to a add any memorial benches on your behalf.
Grant funded stop fencing has been erected to protect the orchard. Ponies will be deployed for 2 or 3 months to maintain landscape control. The shelter has been delayed due to funding shortfall. This should be done during next year. Mike has estimated that the reserve has around 10,000 visitors a year! The reserve is thriving with lots of bird nests in the trees we planted and lots of bats too. Huge numbers of swallows, in September, possibly feeding on flying ants. Mike gave thanks to Richard Copson as the driving force behind so much grant money for the reserve. More money will be needed for maintaining and extending paths. Mike is always looking for volunteers to help out at the reserve. There were questions, from the floor, at this stage: Q1 – Any plans for promoting red squirrels. Nesting boxes were discussed as a good way of helping them out. Volunteers would be needed to help achieve this. Q2 – Why choose ponies to graze. It’s a matter of what is available. Mike happy to use “better grazers” if and when available. Q3 – Can anything be done to prevent the pond from drying out. Bottom line no. There appears to be no reasonable solution.
We have 2 Trustees standing down in Martin Rosindale and Mairi Todd and I’d like to thank them both for their contribution during their time in post. We have potentially two new Committee members who have indicated a willingness to join the team, so I would like to invite David Butler and Alex Howie to become Trustees. Is there anyone else interested in serving on the committee in the hall tonight? If there isn’t anyone else, then can I ask for the remaining committee to be ratified for a further year, with the addition of Alex and David. So the full committee will be Robert Kennedy, Jo Harris, Mike Riding, Frank Williamson, Kay Harriman, Kate Rosindale, Brian Carson, Cameron Mills, myself and the two new appointees, making 11. Can I have a show of hands that the committee as described is approved by the meeting? Thank you The vote was carried.
The one subject under AOCB was the planning permission for the WWTW. Mike Riding spoke extensively on this subject and pointed out a number of issues: Construction period of 2.5 years. 8 months of granite pecking. 179 lorries needed to remove said granite. Screening could take 10 years to reach optimum and still not be really effective. 2.5mtr high security fence. This is not an exhaustive list Sam asked for a show of hands, indicating whether the meeting would like Mike to collate and distribute key points on the potential impact of the new WWTW and for these notes to be distributed across the village. There was an overwhelming majority in support of this suggestion. Sam reaffirmed that the KA would not be objecting to the WWTW, but that individuals should object if they wanted to. Robert Kennedy gave thanks to Sam for all her hard work and leadership. The meeting finished at 7.58pm
Minutes of the committee meeting held 27th of November 2023Present. Sam Sample, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Brian Carson, Joanne Harris, Alex Howie, David Butler, Frank Williamson. Sam welcomed the new members to the committee – Alex Howie and David Butler.
Cameron Mills, Kay Harriman, Davie Stitt and Ian Blake.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
There were no matters arising.
Cameron had supplied the following paper: Unfortunately I have a previous business commitment on the evening of the AGM and so will be unable to attend in person to answer questions. The attached note provides some explanation of the 2022-23 accounts but if you have any further questions then please email me at treasurer@kippfordvillage.org Receipts
Cameron Mills Treasurer
As per the AGM: Grant funded stop fencing has been erected to protect the orchard. Ponies will be deployed for 2 or 3 months to maintain landscape control. The shelter has been delayed due to funding shortfall. This should be done during next year. Mike has estimated that the reserve has around 10,000 visitors a year! The reserve is thriving with lots of bird nests in the trees, we planted, also lots of bats are about. Huge numbers of swallows, in September, possibly feeding on flying ants. Mike gave thanks to Richard Copson as the driving force behind so much grant money for the reserve. More money will be needed for maintaining and extending paths. Mike is always looking for volunteers to help out at the reserve.
Still problematic in establishing ownership. More information in January.
This will be discussed at the January meeting. FCW to circulate Kay’s email.
We agreed to send out a village wide communication to canvas views on this subject. Mike will put together a bulletin point list summarising the main general concerns.
Hogmanay – 94 tickets sold far! Benches – Sam advised that not all the benches belong to the KA. New Years Day get together – Small portions suggested to save waste. There should still be wine left over from last year.
Minutes of the committee meeting held 2nd of October 2023Present. Sam Sample, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Joanne Harris, Frank Williamson. Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Brian Carson, Kay Harriman, Cameron Mills, Mairi Todd, Martin Rosindale.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Grass verge – still in hand! Hall maintenance – David Woodthorpe- Evans has agreed to be the Unofficial Hall Maintenance Manager. Much thanks goes to David. Mobile Booster – The committee feel there is no requirement for a booster as the signal seems to have improved. It was suggested we ask the residents, at the AGM, for their thoughts. Cumisky bench – No further update. Village dinner – Slow response for tickets. FCW to send out reminder on Kippford Connect and email database. Kippford flag – No further progress.
Cameron sent in a written report with the following details: Account balance – £55,041.50 No major items of expenditure. A further £50 donation was received from David Woodthorpe- Evans. £332.48 came from car park donations.
Work parties have just recommenced. Money needs to be spent on refurbishing paths and possibly extending them.
Two bookings have been received for October. Cameron and Brian have produced the following snag list: Front door – Rotten at the foot and needs replacing. External paint work – Needs redoing. External vents for extractor fans from toilet – Need replacing. Kitchen windows – Two panes have failed and need replacing. Hall floor – Should be sanded and varnished. Ladies toilet – Need to confirm that the fan is going off. Gents toilet – Fan doesn’t seem to be coming on – need to check. Kitchen – Fan not working. Front windows – A couple of windows need the hinges replacing. Heating – We should look at what alternatives there are for the heating system.
No further progress on this subject. We do need the services of a solicitor or retired solicitor willing to help. Robert will look into the possibilities.
A new member has joined, from Merse Way, and two have been removed due to relocation. Sam is still considering the vacant coordinator position for Barnbaroch.
The AGM will take place on Monday the 27th of November followed by a committee meeting. We will send out an information pack, to residents, electronically and should include The Annual Report and financials along with an agenda.
Shelter funding – Simon Pain advised that £10,000 had been secured from the National Lottery. Christmas tree – Sam will purchase a similar tree to last year. The committee felt it would be too windy to decorate the tree.
Minutes of the committee meeting held 4th of September 2023Present. Sam Sample, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Joanne Harris, Frank Williamson. Davie Stitt.
Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Kay Harriman, Mairi Todd, Brian Carson, Robert Kennedy. Ian Blake.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
The grass verges, coming into Kippford, are on the council list and will be cut in due course.
We have £54,353 in our account. We have received £900 from the car park in the past 2 months. We received £853 from HMRC ref gift aid. We spent £216 on Nature Reserve maintenance and a further £216 on legal fees regarding asset ownership. Draft accounts were circulated and will be ready for the AGM when maintenance costs breakdown will be available.
Work parties will be required soon as the Summer comes to an end. Very little done since our last meeting. It was agreed that we should ask the villagers, via the village WhatsApp group, if anyone wished to join the Nature Reserve WhatsApp group. FCW to send out message.
Hall maintenance person is required and it was suggested we approach David Woodthorpe Evans. Action Cameron and Frank. A snag list of repairs has been put together by Cameron and Brian. Heating is a major issue. Simon Pain may have some ideas with his knowledge of the systems and costs at Colvend hall.
A Title Deed search has been done but the results are very hard to understand. We will need to hire the services of a lawyer for clarification.
Two new people should be joining the scheme from Merse Way. Sam is considering the vacancy, of coordinator, for Barnbarroch but will first canvas local interest.
The Anchor has offered to host the dinner. We will find out the level of interest, from the villagers, once we have established the numbers that can be accommodated. Action Joanne.
It was decided not to place a bin at the Nature Reserve.
The committee discussed the possibility of relocating the defibrillator to another site, within the village, but decided to leave it in its current, established, position at the village hall.
It turns out that the council were responsible for installing this bench and removing the recently refurbished one. The committee are in communication with the council regarding any future action on benches and how some kind of uniformity can be achieved.
A suggestion had been made regarding the possibility of creating one or two spaces for coaches to park at the village hall. This idea was rejected by the committee.
The flag has been removed due to its tattered condition. We will go back to the supplier and ascertain what is required, quality wise, to have a flag up 24 hours a day. It was noted that the flag at Colvend golf club is in good condition despite constant use. It has been suggested that we install a mobile phone booster, in the hall, to improve the signal quality. Details, of the system, have been sent to each committee member for evaluation and a decision will be made at the next meeting. A request to have signs, on Rough Firth, regarding keeping dogs on a lead has been made.Cameron will discuss with David Butler on the effectiveness of this. Martin Rosindale will be leaving the committee, at the next AGM, and new members will be required. Date of next meeting is 2/10/23 |
Minutes of the committee meeting held 3rd of July 2023Present.Robert Kennedy (acting chair), Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Joanne Harris, Brian Carson, Frank Williamson. 1. Apologies.Sam Sample, Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Martin Rosindale, Ian Blake. 2. Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on the 5th of June 2023.The minutes were accepted as a correct record. 3. Matters arising.Work on the Welcome Pack has started. 4. Treasurers report.We have £52,439 in the account. The car park contributed over £500 in June. 5. Nature reserve update.Both meadows have been cut, bailed and taken away. The paths have also been cut back. Unfortunately deer have got into the orchard and damaged some trees. They appear to have gained access via a gate which was left open. Mike will take action to ensure the gate is self closing. 6. Hall managers report.Elvis v Jackson was cancelled and fee returned. No big bookings in the pipeline. Cameron and Brian will be making a list of works for the hall. 7. SCIO Update.We need to clarify our assets and see evidence of ownership. We will need to engage the services of a solicitor. 8. Neighbourhood Watch Update.Meeting of coordinators took place on the 12/6/23. Depute coordinators required for River View and Barnbarroch. 9. AOCB.Village dinner – Joanne to approach The Anchor. Verges- The verges are looking untidy and out of control. Davie will find out when they will be cut back. Sign Off/ Inspection of our accounts – Are there any retired accountants, in the village, that could help with this task? 10. Date of next meetingMonday 4th September at 7pm in the Village Hall |
Kippford Association
Sam Sample, Kate Rosindale, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Joanne Harris, Frank Williamson, Simon Pain.
- Apologies
Robert Kennedy, Martin Rosindale, Brian Carson, Ian Blake, Davie Stitt.
- Minutes of previous meeting held 15th May 2023.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
- Matters arising.
Their were no matters arising.
- Local Place Plan – Simon Pain
Simon gave us a helpful explanation of what the LPP is about and how useful it could be, to the community, if more people were to respond and fill in the parts of the form that interest them. It is not necessary to complete the whole form.
We should all give thought to potential projects or objectives as once on the LPP form the Council must consider them.
The form has already been sent out on Kippford Connect and it was agreed to e mail the data base too.
Action FCW
Simon also gave an update regarding the Memorial Shelter in memory of Derek Roan.
Funding applications are going well and the full sum (£27,000) is expected to be achieved soon;
if all goes well then the structure should be completed by 31/3/24.
- Treasures report.
£53,715 in the account.
£400 was received in car park donations in May.
- Nature reserve update.
All going well within the nature reserve.
Mike has had a meeting with Forestry and Land Scotland where his idea of having a Wildlife Corridor from Mark Hill to the start of Rockcliffe was positively received.
- Hall managers report.
PAT test arranged for 10/7/23.
Area around new lights need painting.
The Forestry and Land Drop In was well attended and informative.
The Elvis v Jackson event may be cancelled due to low ticket sales.
The bus shelter has been painted and looks very good. Positive feed back has been received from residents.
The refurbished benches cost £37.94 for materials and we agreed to give a contribution of £120 for the Men’s Shed time.
- SCIO update.
No update.
- Minutes for older people.
There are a few residents who find it difficult to see a copy of the minutes. It was decided that anyone who was unable to benefit from the existing distribution methods. (Website, email, WhatsApp and notice board) could have a copy dropped into their house.
Summer committee meetings – How many meetings are needed over the summer period will be reviewed at the July meeting.
Village dinner – The Anchor is to be sounded out and utilisation of the village hall to be investigated.
Grants – A list of all works required and attached costs must be put together before applying for grants.
Email data base – This is currently on David Jamieson’s server and is administered very well. However we should look at ways of bringing it back into the direct control of the Kippford Association. Action Cameron.
Date of next meeting is 3/7/23 at 7pm in the Village Hall.
Kippford Association
Minutes of Committee Meeting held 15th May 2023 in the Village Hall
Present Sam Sample, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Brian Carson, Joanne Harris , Frank Williamson.
Ian Blake, Davie Stitt, Robert Kennedy.
2. Minutes of the previous committee meeting
held on the 3rd of April 2023.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters arising.
Thanks were given to Kate Rosindale for taking the minutes, for the last 3 months, whilst Frank was absent.
The landowner, adjoining the Nature Reserver, is making good progress with the planting of new trees and will contact us, at a later date, to discuss the possibility of joining up paths with the Nature Reserve.
The Kippford flag was on display and looked good. It was agreed to raise the flag immediately after the meeting finished.
4. Treasurers report.
We have £54,302 in the account.
We have received £182 in donations.
£5.00 received from Amazon Smile.
£1656 paid out on picnic tables.
£1,800 paid out on insurance.
5. Nature reserve update.
Mike reminded us that “Forestry and Land Scotland” would be having a drop in session at the village hall on Monday the 22nd of May. Where they would seek the views of residents concerning future plans for Mark Hill and Tornat woods.
6. Hall managers report.
Hall heaters – The heating system is fickle and blows cold air sometimes. There is an easy fix which Sam will investigate.
Electrics – The Electric Certification check was done. Some issues found to the value of £625. The test, itself, was £400.
PAT test also required.
Key box – Brian will fix this one.
Hall bookings – Vintage fair booked for June 4th.
Benches – Some benches have been refurbished by the Men’s Shed. Others also need refurbished but MS are rather busy at the moment.
7. Website update.
We will add the Kippford Flag to the site plus information on the Vintage Fair and Forestry meeting.
The website update is no longer to be a standard agenda item.
8. SCIO update
No new information.
9. Local Place Plan.
Important that we all read through this and give feedback.
10. Sewage Treatment Project.
This drop in session was well attended by residents and gave them the opportunity to see the future plans and give appropriate feedback.
11. Neighbourhood Watch.
The main coordinator for Kippford Neighbourhood Watch is now Frank Williamson. John Withers will continue as deputy coordinator for Merse Way.
The first meeting, under the new structure, will take place on June 12 th at 7 pm in the village hall.
12. Welcome Pack.
A New Residents Welcome Pack, from another village, was circulated and everyone agreed it would be a useful document for new arrivals to Kippford.
Frank will produce a Kippford version for approval by the committee.
It was agreed, once approved, that it should be sent to all residents in the first instance for their information and to gain feedback and suggestions for any improvements.
13. AOCB
Village dinner – Joanne will discuss the possibility/practicality of having the dinner in the Anchor.
Information signs – 2 or 3 signs will be placed around the village to provide information and orientation.
Potholes – The numerous potholes have been reported but no news, yet, on having them fixed.
Coronation celebration – Good feedback has been received despite the terrible weather driving the event indoors.
14. Date of next meeting.
5th of June 2023 at 7pm in the village hall.
Kippford Association
Minutes of Committee Meeting held 3rd April 2023 in the Village Hall
Sam Sample (Chair), Joanne Harris, Robert Kennedy, Cameron Mills, Martin Rosindale, Davie Stitt (Councillor), Kate Rosindale (Minutes).
1 Apologies
Ian Blake (Councillor), Brian Carson, Kay Harriman, Mike Riding, Mairi Todd, Frank Williamson.
2 Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting held 6 March 2023.
The Minutes were accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3 Matters arising
- Item 3 (bullet 2) – Brian Burn’s oak trees – to be raised at next meeting.
- Item 3 (bullet 5) – the flag has arrived. It will be flown for the first time when the Union Jack is taken down following the Coronation.
- Item 5 (bullet 2) – SS has received a quote for window repairs. Replacement was recommended. The other windows in the Hall also need replacing. Quoted cost £16,000. SS to ask for more quotes before a decision in made.
- Item 11 – Toilet block refurbishment. DS updated the meeting. He has sent paperwork to SS and CM. They will discuss and bring it back to the next meeting.
4 Treasurer’s report
CM said it had been a quiet month. A SKIAS payment had been received and spent. £150 had been received from Scottish Power to help with the energy crisis. E-donations have been received for the Nature Reserve (£25) and the Car Park (£8.75).
5 Nature Reserve update
- MRI met with the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust who are considering running a training course on the Nature Reserve. Probably won’t happen until later in year, or next year.
- The Shelter. SS had received the following from Simon Pain:
- Planning permission for the shelter has now been granted. The People’s Project, courtesy of Mark Jardine, have formally committed a grant of £3,000 to the project.
- An application has been submitted to the D&G Coastal Benefit Fund for a grant of £19,600. It is expected that we will hear the outcome of the funding application in early June. It is intended that we will apply for the balance of the funding to the National Lottery Community fund. The total cost of the project is £27,000.
- It is a condition of the funding applications, that the work is completed by 31st March 2024.
- Unruly dogs. After some discussion a vote was taken and it was decided not to put up signs telling visitors to keep their dogs on a lead (5-2).
- Fiona McCulloch has expressed interest in keeping her horses in the fenced area in the top field (seasonal let). Assuming the committee agrees, we will pursue this possibility, although first there needs to be some way of preventing them getting into the garden of Kipp Lodge, and top gate needs to be secure. SS to pursue security of fencing with Kipp Lodge.
6 Hall Manager’s report (Hall windows and doors)
- More work required on the windows than expected. See Maters Arising.
- Lotus Electrical have been doing testing this week.
- There have been comments that the heating is still not working properly. SS to check.
- A booking has been made for the Bridge Club prize-giving.
- A keybox will be set up to make it easier to allow access to the Hall when required.
7 Website update
There was no update
8 SCIO update
RK will approach someone from the Third Sector for advice. Still searching for the Title Deeds.
9 Coronation Celebration update
The Celebration will take place on Monday, 8 May. Start time 12 noon. Poster (JH) to be displayed to inform the Community and information sent out via Kippford Connect (FW).
- Discussion about the option to install wi-fi in the Hall. Various options were raised and discarded. Decision to leave this for the time-being.
- A complaint had been received about the building materials and waste on the grass verge by the slipway. The builders have been identified as the culprits. DS to pursue and report back.
Date of next meeting is on 15 May at 7 pm in the Village Hall.
Kippford Association
Minutes of Committee Meeting held 6 March 2023 in the Village Hall.
Sam Sample (Chair), Brian Carson, Robert Kennedy, Davie Stitt (Councillor), Martin Rosindale, Kate Rosindale (Minutes).
1 Apologies
Kay Harriman, Joanne Harris, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Mairi Todd, Frank Williamson.
2 Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting held 6 February 2023.
Item 3, bullet point 6, was amended as follows: MT changed to KH.
3 Matters arising
- Procedure for posting and amending Minutes. Minutes will be checked by the Chair, then distributed to the members of the Committee by e-mail. Any amendments needed will be raised under Item 2 of the Agenda at the next meeting. The approved Minutes will then be distributed to the members of the Association and a hard copy placed on the Notice Board.
- Item 3 (bullet 5) – Brian Burn’s oak trees – to be raised at next meeting.
- Item 5 (bullet 3) – the team has still to meet.
- Item 9 (bullet 7) – it is a requirement to have 2 Contact buttons on the site if we wish to take donations. Issues raised on the 2nd button will be dealt with by CM.
- Item 10 – carried forward to the next meeting.
4 Treasurer’s report
CM forwarded details. Receipts: Hall bookings £60, bank interest £50; donations £500. Expenditure: £1,044.35 for electrical work in the Hall (Lotus); £5,097.60 (fencing on Nature Reserve); £163.33 (Performing Rights Licence); usual electricity and cleaning bills.
5 Nature Reserve update
- The Shelter planning application has been approved.
- A new path has been scrub cut through native planting under Hog House Hill. More are planned.
- Twenty replacement trees have arrived and been planted.
6 Hall Manager’s report
- Broken external lights have been removed. This work has identified the need for a full electrical test and compliance certificate, at a potential cost of £420 + VAT.
- The windows in the hallway have all dropped. All double glazing to be checked. Quotes will be needed for repairs.
7 Flag pole refurbishment
This has been completed.
RK will progress this and produce a plan of action. This will be a permanent item on the Agenda.
9 Kippford Flag
The cost of 1 flag will be £125, 2 will be £240. Flags same size as the Union Flag. The purchase of 1 flag was approved.
10 Website update
Dealt with under Matters Arising (bullet point 4)
11 Toilet Block/Coastal Benefit Fund
FW had forwarded information from Karen Brownlie about a possible application to this Fund for refurbishment. Following discussion, it was agreed that this was probably not the correct source of funding. DS to pursue the issue with the appropriate people and report back.
- MRo raised an issue about unleashed dogs on the Nature Reserve following a complaint by a resident. Following discussion it was agreed that SS discuss the issue of the possibility of appropriate signage with MR.
- New/refurbished benches. Three have been replaced and 2 more taken away for refurbishment by Dalbeattie Mens’ Shed. Picnic benches have also been removed. Kippford Association paid for materials. A donation is required for labour. A sum of £250 was agreed (£10 per hour).
- Clear felling. FW to approach owners to see if replanting is planned. MRi to offer help and advice if required after initial approach.
- Following a medical incident in the Hall, an offer of privacy screens has been made. The offer was accepted providing there is room to store them.
- Ironwork on drains in the village has been completed. The tarmac still needs to be repaired. Some drains still need to be unblocked.
- Thanks to the following: Paul Bartlett of Stone Lane Nursery for replacing 20 specimen birch trees; Tom Green of Thornleigh, Kippford for help and advice in the design of the Kippford Association flag; John Anderson, Plumber from Kirkcudbright, who fixed plumbing in the hall at no cost; Dalbeattie Men’s Shed who have started the refurbishment of benches throughout the village.
Date of next meeting is on 3 April at 7 pm in the Village Hall.
Kippford Association
Minutes of Committee Meeting held February 6th 2023 in the Village Hall.
Kippford Association
Minutes of Committee Meeting held 9 January2023 in the Village Hall.
Sam Sample (Chair), Brian Carson, Kay Harriman, Joanne Harris, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Mairi Todd, Kate Rosindale (Minutes).
1 Apologies
Ian Blake (Councilor), Davie Stitt (Councilor), Robert Kennedy, Martin Rosindale, Frank Williamson.
2 Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting held 28 November 2022.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3 Richard Clarke – Coastal Trail Development
Richard is looking to develop a long distance, coastal trail from Gretna to Portpatrick and is attending meetings with interested groups and organisations to gather concerns, objections, and people to go to for help or information. The route would follow the lower Jubilee Path. Approval of his intentions was given, and a good discussion took place regarding possible routes to Dalbeattie. He invited members for a walk of the route in Spring. He will contact SS for a letter of recommendation to help him with grant applications.
4 Matters arising
- Quarry Road is on the Council list for Spring when the weather improves.
- Car park toilet block – FW contacted the Council to add this to their budget for next year.
- Flag protocol – the Flag Institute website looks to be an excellent source, flaginstitute.org
- Table tennis table – hasn’t arrived yet. Storage place needed.
5 Treasurer’s report
Income: donations received £607.80, Hall lets £220, donations from New Year’s Day £190.40. miscellaneous £217.00. Expenditure: Miscellaneous £185, Christmas Tree and printing of AGM papers £280. Balance on account £61,885.15.
6 Nature reserve update
There has been considerable flood damage recently. Feed drains are blocked above the pond. MRi has contacted contractors to investigate what is needed (approx cost £500). If new drains required cost may be £2,000 approx. Funds are available. Recommendation is to go ahead if costs are reasonable. If large sums are required multiple quotes should be sought. Fencing installation should be going ahead soon. Significant path improvements are needed on the upper part of the reserve. Funding will be needed to carry these out. Richard Copson has offered to continue to provide support in obtaining grant funding
7 Hall heaters update and frost proofing toilet area
- There have been problems in the Hall when the temperature has remained below 0°C over several days. SS is going to investigate the cost of using infra red heaters.
- The heaters in the toilet area will be fixed soon. Two options were available from Lotus: individually controlled £921, centrally controlled £1,251. SS will proceed with the cheaper option.
- A new thermostat will be needed in the porch area and investigation of the underlying problem.
8 Wreath laying 2023
SS wondered if the Association laid a wreath at the war memorial. No one was sure.
9 Nature reserve and village bench replacements
A slightly different design is available for £500 each. Two or 3 are needed along the front. Several families have expressed interest in buying one. They will need to be secured to the ground at a cost of £100. It was decided to charge buyers £600 along with responsibility for maintenance.
Another picnic table should be purchased for in front of the Hall – cost £600.
10 Hall charges
These will not be increases CM wondered about charging villagers for the use of the Hall when they are raising money for charities. It was decided that decisions about offering a reduction would be made for individual cases.
11 Holiday cover
CM will be away on holiday during February, March and April. Cheques may be needed during this time. CM will leave the cheque book with SS.
12 Oak trees in Brian Burn’s garden
Small trees and seedlings are available. MRi will visit and investigate.
13 Christmas tree dismantling
Tree is down and waiting for RK to take it away.
- Kippford flag. Updated designs were available and a lively discussion took place. There was one clear favourite. Adjustments were suggested and it was decided to offer villagers a choice between the preferred option and a couple of others. KH and MT will take suggestions back to their expert for modifications.
- JH reported the Colvend Primary School is being considered for “mothballing” by the Education Committee as the roll is below 10 pupils. This involves closing the school, boarding it up to make it secure with a view to reopening when numbers permit.
Date of next meeting is on 6 February at 7 pm in the Village Hall.
Kippford Association
Minutes of committee meeting held 28th of November 2022 (after AGM)
Sam Sample, Robert Kennedy, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Brian Carson, Joanne Harris, Frank Williamson.
Sam Sample welcomed, Brian Carson, to the committee.
- Apologies
Ian Blake, Davie Stitt.
- Minutes of the previous committee meeting held 7th of November 2022.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
- Matters arising.
Kippford flag – Progress continues with a few options developing.
Christmas tree – arriving next week.
Rubbish behind hall – Robert and Frank will sort in due course.
Quarry Road – Still not resurfaced. FCW to chase council.
- Treasurers report.
Donations are starting to come in from residents which is very much appreciated.
Some residents are asking if they can donate/sponsor a bench. Gift will be available if money is given.
- Nature reserve update.
Mike referred us to his presentation at the AGM a few moments ago.
- Car park toilet block.
We received an Email, from the council, explaining they had run out of funds, for this year. We will request that they add this to their funding requirements for the next financial year ( toilet block refurbishment)
Action – FCW
- Tree tubes.
When we next need, new, tree tubes we will certainly look at using ones made from recycled/recyclable materials. We will not have a requirement, for new tubes, for some time yet.
- Flag protocol.
It was noted that other flags, in the area, were lowered on Remembrance Day. We agreed to research the protocol.
Action – All
- Table tennis.
Onkar Singh has offered the village hall a table tennis table and the Association has kindly accepted the offer. Thanks go to Onkar for his generosity.
- Rotary funding.
A discussion took place about the possibility of Rotary funding towards new benches and seats. It was felt, at this time, that Rotary would have other demands on its resources.
- Minutes.
Frank Williamson will be unable to take minutes in February, March and April. Kate Rosindale, kindly, agreed to help out during this period.
- Hall Manager report.
The hall is booked on the 25/6/23 for an Elvis v Jackson musical extravaganza!
The village dinner will take place in October 2023.
New heaters for the toilet areas are required.
It may be worth employing an accountant if we go down the route of a SCIO. We need to ascertain where the deeds are regarding the village hall. Robert will discuss with Gareth McHarg.
Date of next meeting is 9th of January 2023 at 7pm in the village hall.
Kippford Association AGM 2022
Minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Kippford Association held in Kippford Village Hall at 7pm on Monday 28th November 2022.
- Welcome by the Chairperson of The Kippford Association (Sam Sample)
Sam said the following:
Good evening everyone.
Just a reminder, for those of you who may not have attended a Kippford Association AGM, it is important that you sign the attendance sheet in the lobby, if you haven’t already can you take a moment to do it on your way out.
And we are asking for contact details, so that we can update our database, and if haven’t already, you have the opportunity to join the Kippford WhatsApp group by putting your mobile number down.
Thank you for attending this evening, it seems a long time since the last AGM in 2019, indeed a lot has changed in the last 3 years.
Not least many of the faces on the committee who sit before you tonight.
One of the main things that has struck me over the last few years is how important continuity is during periods of uncertainty, and I can only offer reassurance that despite all that has occurred over the intervening years your current committee is now working hard to rebuild much of what was lost during the Pandemic and actually what makes Kippford such a great place to live.
I hope this will become clear as the meeting progresses.
But one of my jobs is to offer thanks to all the committee members who have resigned since the last AGM. So in no particular order I’d like to thank,
Val Bradbury
Martin Barrett
Wendy Warne
Richard Copson
David Jamieson
Thank you to you all.
There is no doubt in my mind that serving your community is a great thing to do.
Giving something back, whether it is time volunteering or a cash donation, both are vital to the ongoing success of our village life.
And at this point mention by name would also have been made of those villagers lost in the previous year. Instead, and for fear of omission on this occasion but without diminishing the importance of the moment, I would respectfully request we have a minute of silent contemplation, as a mark of respect for all the villagers who have passed away in the last 3 years as well those lost across the country as a result of the Pandemic.
Thank you
And now to all the newcomers in the village, some who arrived during the peak of the crisis when the village was in lockdown, hopefully you are now beginning to see and experience that Kippford has to offer, welcome to you all.
So now to the business of the meeting.
- Apologies.
Apologies were received from:
John and Sharon Withers, Tom and Anne Miller, Onkar and Jane Singh, Gerry and Lynda Dunlavey, Val Bradbury, Tony and Barbara Hartnell, Margaret and Bob Wright, Robert and Susan Gemmell, Maragaret Brown, Lyn Watt, Alastair Dinnwiddie, Fiona and Gordon Blanford, Jane and Colin Stewart, Marion Donnelly, Brian and Barbara Smith, Rita Stanfield, Carolyn Kennedy, David Butler.
There were 43 people in attendance.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 25th November 2019.
Draft minutes had been published and distributed previously. These were agreed to be an accurate record. Proposed by Richard Copson and seconded by David Woodthorpe-Evans.
- Matters arising.
There were no matters arising.
- The Chairpersons Review and Plans (Sam Sample)
Sam said the following:
The hall was effectively shut for 2 years, but I’m happy to report that we now have many of the regular activities taking place again.
Badminton, Bridge, Chatter Cups, Yoga and Carpet Bowls.
We have also had the local Artists exhibiting, Sailibility and the RNLI using the hall in the last few months.
We now employ a cleaner to maintain the inside and a groundsman to maintain the outside area.
We have restarted a repair and refurbishment programme, including replacement of a broken heater, the fire alarm has been repaired and the plumbing has also been checked over.
We will be refurbishing the electric heaters, to make sure they are as efficient as possible as well as a full assessment of the fabric of the building to ensure it is being adequately maintained. Currently myself and Cameron are managing the hall, but our hope is that we will be able to appoint a hall manager in due course.
Discussion has taken place within the committee about the possible refurbishment or extension of the kitchen. However with the increased cost of such works, this project has been put on hold, but it can be revisited. At the time of that discussion an estimated cost of approximately £2,500-£3,000 per square metre was indicated as a potential cost, so doing the math, a 5×5 metre extension could cost in excess of £60,000. A potential refurb of the existing space might be possible, but improved functionality would be difficult given the limited space and the inherent health and safety issues would remain.
Work is underway to refurbish or replace benches throughout the village. I’m working with the Dalbeattie Mens Shed on the repair of benches that can be repaired. But we will also be replacing benches that have come to the end of their useful life.
The bus stop by The Ark will be repainted next year as the salt wash and weather is damaging the render.
With an eye to future village events, the New Years Day gathering will take place.
Plans are afoot for a celebration of the Kings Coronation in May next year and with your approval we would seek to move the village Dinner to October next year.
Hopefully by now many of you will have seen the new village website. The previous version had served its purpose well, however it became clear to the committee that newer technology and media could be utilised to provide an easier platform to administer and better serve the communities needs. Thanks to Cameron for teaming up with the web builders to create the framework and to Martin Rosindale for many of the images, also mention must be made of David Jamieson for working with us, to provide a seamless transition.
We also now have a WhatsApp group, modelled on the Colvend Community Councils version, it allows speedy transmission of information across the village. Hopefully both the website and the WhatsApp group have the potential to serve the community well over the coming years.
At this point there was a question, from the floor, concerning the unification of benches and seats and their positioning.
Sam confirmed that it was the intention , when replacing, to have the benches and seats the same design.
Positioning was limited to existing concrete bases.
- Questions for the Treasurer. (Cameron Mills)
Cameron welcomed everyone and gave particular thanks to Richard Copson , the previous treasurer, for doing such an excellent job.
The draft accounts had already been distributed and Cameron advised their was £1200, in addition, courtesy of the HMRC.
Cameron said that all donations were were welcome and referred everyone to the donations page (circulated with AGM pack) or the donate button on our website.
Text donations have started to come in for the car park and nature reserve.
Cameron advised that we are looking for a Sign Off Accountant.
- The Kippford Community Nature Reserve – update (Mike Riding)
Mike gave us a brief history of the nature reserve.
Owned since 2017 and purchased to protect land from further development.
2018 – small team started to make the land into a reserve. Open days organised. Statement of intent was written and displayed.
2019 – work started on planting trees. Including 1000 oaks. Lots of blossom trees planted at woodland edge. Created wheelchair friendly pathways, pond and gates. Arboretum planted to include many Special birch types.
Last winter an orchard was planted and included local apple varieties (it was suggested here that Onkar could make some Kippford Cider from the harvest)
What next – Blue Bell Wood is getting smothered by rhododendrons and sycamore needs thinning.
Grant for fencing was received, about 2 years ago, and will be used for conservation grazing. This will involve animals for around 2 months each year (probably ponies)
Flooding, near the pond, needs fixing. Footpaths will be maintained. Tree tubes may be removed soon. Map sign to be erected.
Mike would like to introduce more flowers. Flowering shrubs will be planted.
Mike said if their was something the residents wanted planting then please let him know.
Colvend Community Council are looking to erect a shelter, on the nature reserve in memory of Derek Roan.
- Ratification of Committee Members.
Sam said the following:
I mentioned earlier that continuity is a vital reassuring element in managing an organisation like this one, that seeks to serve its community from within.
I’m very aware that the current committee looks quite different from the one that last sat before you at the AGM in 2019. The circumstances brought about by the Pandemic meant that we had to co opt new members to bolster the preexisting committee. But I hope you can see that this committee is working well, not only to maintain but improve the village facilities and village life as a whole.
The Associations constitution provides a framework by which we should conduct our business. In respect of the committee it has guidelines regarding the appointment of committee members. However there is no advice or guidance on the appointment of committee members during unprecedented circumstances, ie the Covid crisis and no help is found there either, when restarting the business of the Association after a prolonged period of inactivity.
With regard to the ratification of the committee members, I would respectfully ask the meeting to take a pragmatic approach, taking into consideration all that has been achieved and knowing there is more to be done next year. I would seek agreement for the current committee to be reappointed in full, with the addition of Brian Carson.
Sam asked for a show of hands and the residents voted in agreement with her proposal.
Sam said the following:
Mike mentioned and some of you may have noticed mention of plans for a shelter to be erected on the Kipp. Funded almost entirely by grant funding by Colvend Community Council, this project is in its infancy, but your committee is in agreement with the plans and would hope to see it come to fruition, it does require planning permission at which point the grant funding can be sought. The Colvend Community Council do not wish to spend out on the planning process, if it then transpires that the majority of residents do not agree. Tonight gives an opportunity to test the water and see if there is a positive or negative response to this idea. The shelter in question is a bespoke, locally designed and manufactured shelter with benches. There’s an almost identical version in the community gardens in Auchencairn.
At this point a resident asked for confirmation that the shelter was in memory of Derek Roan and Sam confirmed that it was.
Their was another question, from the floor, concerning who would pay for any future maintenance costs. Sam is unsure, on this, and will seek clarification from CCC.
Sam asked for a show of hands seeking approval for the shelter and the floor overwhelmingly agreed.
The meeting finished at 7.40 pm.
Minutes of committee meeting meeting held 3rd of October 2022
Present: Robert Kennedy, Sam Sample, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Cameron Mills, Joanne Harris Mike Riding, Frank Williamson.
1. Apologies
Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Ian Blake, Davie Stitt.
2. Minutes of the previous committee meeting held 5th September 2022.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters arising.
Nature reserve memorial shelter – We received an email, from a resident, expressing reservations concerning this , potential, structure. Some time was spent discussing the various points. It was agreed, as this is a Colvend Community Council project with no cost to the Kippford Association, that we should forward the email to Simon Pain (at CCC)
Grass verge – This has now been cut. In a related item Sam Sample has liaised, with the council, concerning the condition of the footpath from A710 down into the village. They have added this to their To Do List.
Quarry Road end – Still not done (mid September was quoted) Frank Williamson will progress with the council.
Electric charging points – The supply, at the car park, can only support 2x7kw points (4/6 hours for a full charge!)
Bus stop – Thanks to David Butler, David and Sarah Woodthorpe-Evans and Frank Williamson for weeding and tidying the bus stop area. No news on repainting quote.
4. Treasurers report.
Year end accounts – Year end, draft, accounts were circulated. They will be delivered, to all residents, before the AGM and once they have been reviewed by an external auditor.
Money in – £100 from David and Sarah Woodthorpe-Evans, £50 from Pay Pal donations and £331.35 from the car park. Thanks go to David and Sarah for their continued support.
Online Banking – This has moved forward with all digital signatures completed, again.
Budget – The draft budget was distributed and discussed.
Website – Positive feedback on the new website which should be ready to go live later this week. Thanks go to Cameron Mills for organising the new site, David Jamieson for making the transition so seamless and Martin Rosindale for supplying so many, excellent , photographs.
5. Nature reserve update.
Volunteers are working this Thursday and every 1st and 3rd Thursday, of the month, thereafter. All are welcome to come and help.
Fencing the orchard and meadow is being looked at via James Smith Fencing. This is grant funded.
6. Hall managers report.
The faulty heater should be fixed, later, this month.
7. Wild camping.
We recently had wild campers on the nature reserve. (very close to the formal footpath) They stayed for 2 nights and left no trace.
A long discussion took place regarding the law and options available to the Association.
The committee agreed that no specific action should be taken now other than future campers would be politely asked to relocate to the wilder parts of the reserve.
8. Village street lights.
A number of residents have suggested that the village street lights should be turned off during certain hours ( between 12 midnight and 6am for example) The logic being that we are now experiencing a severe energy crisis and lighting the streets for practically no one is a waste of council resources. It was suggested that we contact the council first to ascertain their policy, on this kind of thing, before seeking a mandate from the village.
Action – FCW
9. Yacht club trailers.
Complaints, from residents , have been received about the unsightly appearance of the yacht club trailer storage area (the other side of the road from the village hall)
We understand the club is looking at different ways to mitigate the issue and will be doing their best to improve this area.
10. Kippford flag.
A discussion took place regarding the possibility of having a flag that represents Kippford. We currently have a flag pole which is very seldom used.
We would like to put together a few design options by the AGM (may not be enough time but…) and see what the residents think.
Action FCW
11. AGM preparation.
Bulletin – This should be delivered to all residents before the AGM and should include the year end draft accounts and meeting agenda.
We should review the minutes of the last AGM (2019)
Ex committee members should be thanked for their service.
We have two vacancies, on the committee, and the constitution should be checked regarding correct protocol for appointments and continued service.
12. Village chairs and benches.
We have a number of chairs and benches in very poor condition. We should identify the worst and replace them.
Action All
13. AOCB
Sign at the bottom of Jubilee Path – We should contact the National Trust to have it repaired or removed.
Action FCW
Village Dinner – We agreed to bring back the village dinner in May 2023. Martin will check out the capacity of the Anchors function room.
New Year’s Day – We agreed to bring back this popular event, at the village hall, on New Year’s Day.
Action FCW.
Christmas Tree – We agreed to buy a Christmas tree to site in the usual place by the village hall.
Action SS.
Date of next meeting is the 7th of November 2022 at 7pm
Minutes of committee meeting held 5th of September 2022
Present: Robert Kennedy, Sam Sample, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Cameron Mills, Frank Williamson.
Davie Stitt (Councillor) Simon Pain (Colvend Community Council)
1. Apologies
Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Mike Riding, Joanne Harris and Ian Blake.
2. Minutes of the previous committee meeting held 11th of July 2022
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters arising.
Grass verge – Still not cut coming into the village. Davie Stitt will look into this for us.
Village hall bins – The bins are now being emptied. Thanks go to Ian Blake.
Quarry Road repairs – The council have confirmed that the bottom end of Quarry Road is their responsibility. Repairs should take place mid September. Frank Williamson to confirm how far up the road this responsibility extends.
Chatter Cups – This is now up and running.
4. Treasurers report.
Online banking – We are struggling with RBS and will need to redo our digital signatures.
Bank balance – We have £61,758.50 in the bank plus around £300 from car park donations and £100 from David and Sarah Woodthorpe-Evans.
Mobile donations – This is now up and running at the car park and the nature reserve.Thanks go to Cameron for organising this. Gift Aid has been applied for but a little slow in getting approval.
Website modernisation – It was agreed that the website needed to be improved and brought up to date. The cost of this would be £1,500.
Action Cameron Mills and Martin Rosindale.
5. Nature reserve update.
At the recent meeting of the nature reserve group it was decided to restart the working parties on the 14th of September and, thereafter, twice a month for the foreseeable future.
Projects – Their are a number of projects under discussion, including a sensory garden, details, of which, can be outlined at the AGM.
6. Hall managers report.
RNLI – They have booked for the 13th of October.
Kippford painters – It was great to see the Kippford painters back, in the hall, after such a long COVID induced break. Thanks goes to the Kippford painters for their generous £200 donation to the hall funds.
Music workshop – This is booked for the 8th and 9th of October.
Heating system – The heating system has been serviced but one of the heaters is beyond repair and will need to be replaced at a cost of £1,500.
Back door key – This will be changed to match the front door.
Cleaning regime – Further praise has been received, concerning the cleanliness of the hall, since Donna has been employed.
Hall charges – It was agreed that charities should not be charged for the use of the hall.
Electric meter – It was agreed that the meter charges would not be increased, this year, as we have an existing contract, in place, at pre energy crisis rates.
7. Bus shelter.
It was agreed that we should seek a professional quotation to fix damaged rendering and paint the bus shelter. Frank Williamson and David Butler are going to remove the weeds around the shelter.
8. AGM preparation.
The AGM will take place on Monday the 28th of November and will be the first AGM, for some time, and an opportunity to present our budget to the residents.
It was felt that the constitution may need updating for presentation at the 2023 AGM. Committee members are tasked with reading through the current version and putting forward any possible changes.
9. Memorial to Derek Roan.
Simon Pain, from Colvend Community Council, explained that CCC were looking at the possibility of an open structure shelter type memorial, which would be funded by, at least, 3 grant funders as the cost would be in the region of £25,000. The family would need to be in agreement and planning permission will be required.
The Association gave permission, in principle, for the memorial to be placed in the nature reserve.
10. September bulletin.
The bulletin will be at the printers soon.
Martin needs a little more, detailed, information regarding regular events at the hall.
The distribution, of the bulletin, will be shared across the committee members for door to door delivery.
11. Kippford Connect.
Simon Pain from Colvend CC was able to give us some guidance on the next stage of setting up the WhatsApp Kippford Connect group. It’s basically the same as any other group but on a larger scale. Frank Williamson will place all the contacts (over 70) into his mobile phone and aim to get the first message out in the next two weeks or so.
The first message should contain some guidance on the appropriate use of Kippford Connect.
12. Onkar Singh e mail.
Onkar sent in a list of ideas and suggestions for consideration by the association. Thanks go to Onkar for making the time to do this.
The ideas were wide ranging and included some which were in hand and some which will be taken under consideration.
Frank Williamson will write to Onkar giving the committees detailed response.
13. Communication of minutes.
It was agreed that all future minutes will be circulated, to residents, in 4 ways.
They will be put on the hall notice board.
They will be placed on the website.
They will be e mailed via the, residents, e mail data base.
They will be circulated through the Kippford Connect when this is up and running.
14. Resilience plan.
Julian Stanning is updating the Community Resilience Local Plan and needs names of the current key holders for the village hall. Sam Sample, Cameron Mills and Frank Williamson will be added to the document.
Action Martin Rosindale.
15. AOCB.
We agreed to find out if our electric supply could support 2 charging points in the car park.
Date of next meeting is the 3rd of October 2022 at 7pm.
Minutes of Committee Meeting of 11th July 2022
Present: Robert Kennedy (Chair), Sam Sample (Deputy Chair and Hall Manager), Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Joanne Harris, Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Frank Williamson ( Secretary), Ian Blake (Councillor).
1. Apologies
Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman and Davie Stitt.
2. Minutes of the previous committee meeting (6th of June 2022)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters Arising.
Chatter Cups will restart after the Kippford Painters Exhibition.
Electric charging – No further information from Colvend Golf Club at this stage.
Cameron Mills is now in control of the hall booking system.
Shane Corani has been employed to do garden work around the village hall.
4. Treasurers Report.
£291 was banked from the car park.
£50 was donated from Sarah and David Woodthorpe-Evans.
£354 was banked from Scottish Power.
Mobile donations: Pay Pal Link, Text and QR Codes will be implemented at the earliest opportunity. These will be in addition to the current, cash, method of payment.
Signs giving the, appropriate, instructions will be displayed. It was noted that Robert Kennedy has a laminator if required.
Action CM/SS
5. Nature Reserve Update.
It was agreed to call a meeting of the Kipp Group to discuss future ideas and potential projects.
September the 5th was the most popular date.
Action MR1
6. Hall Managers Report.
Notes,on hall duties, have been received from David Jamieson.
A plumber has been and fixed various items of concern.
Art Exhibition – This has been booked from the 5th through 13th of August.
7. Hall Bin.
The bin is no longer been collected by the council. This may be an oversight due to the lack of necessity during the main covid restrictions.
Ian Blake agreed to look into the situation for us.
Action IB
8. Quarry Road Repairs.
The bottom end of Quarry Road ( from just above the car park exit) is in need of repair.
It will cost, in the region of, £6,400. This is a cost which should be shared by all residents of Quarry Road and Pines Road and also include the yacht club and the village hall.
There was discussion around the possibility that this section was adopted by the council.
Ian Blake agreed to investigate this before we take any further action.
Action IB
9. Defibrillator.
We can confirm that the location of the village hall defibrillator is known to the emergency services.
10. Kippford Connect.
We had a very positive response from residents wishing to join this WhatsApp group.
Frank Williamson will put all the contacts into a spreadsheet. Martin Rosindale and Frank Williamson will act as administrators.
It was acknowledged that the email data base needs to be updated with new residents and change of address with existing residents. The AGM and News Letter would help gather this information.
11. Kippford sign/garden.
This was a suggestion put forward by one of the residents.
Ian Blake advised that planning permission was required and an understanding of what exactly was being proposed would be necessary to achieve permission.
We agreed to go back and discuss details with the resident.
Action FCW
12. AOCB
Website: This is out of date and may need replacing. Cameron may have a contact to help with this.
Facebook: The Facebook page could do with updating. Joanne might be able to help here.
News Letter: Get as many articles to Martin by mid August for publication mid September. Another publication is targeted for end of October.
Date of next meetings – 5th of September 2022 at 7pm
then, subject to confirmation, for your diaries 10th of October with AGM on 28th of November.
Minutes of Committee Meeting 6th of June 2022
Present: Robert Kennedy (Chair), Sam Sample ( Deputy Chair and Hall Manager), Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Joanne Harris, Cameron Mills (Treasurer), Frank Williamson (Secretary)
1. Apologies
Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Davie Stitt and Ian Blake
2. Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (9th of May 2022)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters Arising.
Electric Charging Points: FCW advised that the company supplying Colvend Golf Club were installing FOC and giving a small commission from charging costs. The club intend to forward us the company’s name.
What’s App Group: FCW and MR2 will agree wording before bulk mail to residents.
4. Treasurers Report.
£608 was banked from the car park.
£50 was donated by Sarah and David Woodthorpe-Evans.
£780 was received in the form of a Woodland Maintenance Grant
£62,300 is in our account.
Online Banking: This was approved.
Action CM.
QR Codes/Text Donations for car park and nature reserve: This was approved.
Action CM.
Amazon Smile: The Kippford residents should be alerted of this form of charitable giving. It was considered worthy of a mention in the next news letter.
Action MR2/CM
Signatory: It was agreed that Frank Williamson should be added as a signatory.
5. Nature Reserve Update.
Woodland Maintenance Grants: Over £3,000 has been received to date.
Volunteers: Volunteers have been working hard at the nature reserve, every second Thursday, and we thank them for their help which is greatly appreciated. This has now ended for the summer period.
6. Hall Managers Report.
Hall Cleaning: Donna Berry is now cleaning the hall and a number of positive comments have been received.
Hall Manager Duties: David Jamieson has agreed to send a form of job specification to help identify the main duties.
Maintenance: A number of maintenance issues have become evident. Some of the windows are showing their age with water penetration and will need attention as will the sill at the front door.
Also the heater nearest the kitchen is not working and will need repairing.
It was suggested, in the first instance, we seek advice from Brian Carson regarding the windows.
Action SS
Bookings: It was agreed that CM would handle the hall bookings in future.
On Line Calendar: JH offered to investigate On Line Calendars with one of her contacts.
7. Hall Bin
The hall refuse bin is to be put out on the Quarry Road side of car park in an effort to have it emptied.
Action FCW
8. Bulk Mailing Residents.
David Jamieson has agreed to continue with the administration of the bulk mailing system to residents.
It was noted that the email addresses need to be updated and the next edition of the news letter will be a good way of achieving this.
At this point MR2 requested, relevant, stories for publishing in the next news letter.
Action All
Before discussing future events big thanks were expressed to JH for organising the successful jubilee picnic. a lot of positive feedback has been received with a number of suggestions that this could become an annual event!
9. Future Events.
Chatter Cups: It was agreed that this should be restarted at the first opportunity.
Action FCW
Wine Tasting: It was agreed that we should organise an event in November.
Action FCW
New Years Day: It was agreed that New Years Day Celebration should be reinstated, in the usual format, in 2023.
Action All
10. AOCB.
Neighbourhood Watch: MR2 advised that John Withers is stepping down from Neighbourhood Watch and is looking for a replacement. We felt John should be invited, to the next meeting, to explain what is involved.
Action MR2
Webmaster: It was agreed that we need a Webmaster to update and maintain the current site.
We are hoping to organise a volunteer soon.
Car Park: It was noted that the car park area was in need of weeding and general garden maintenance. We agreed to employ a gardener, to keep the area looking good, at the earliest opportunity.
Action CM
Date of next meeting – 11th of July 2022 at 7pm
Minutes of Committee Meeting 9th of May 2022
Present: Sam Sample (Acting Chair), Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Frank Williamson (Secretary), Mairi Todd, Kay Harriman, Joanne Harrison, Davie Stitt (Councillor)
1. Apologies
Robert Kennedy and Cameron Mills
2. Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (11th April 2022)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
3. Matters Arising.
Top Gate Nature Reserve: The requested meeting has been declined and legal advice will, now, be sought.
Action MR1/SS
New Road Signs: It was agreed we should write to thank David Woodthorpe-Evans.
Action FCW
At this point JH also brought up the subject of the lapsed information board at the bottom of Jubilee Path. MR2 agreed to bring this up at Colvend Community Council as it may be part of a bigger Sign Improvement Project.
4. Bus Stop Refurbishment.
We agreed to paint the bus stop ( near the Ark). Volunteers welcome.
Action SS
5. WhatsApp Group.
The purpose, of this, would be to communicate important information to the villagers. This system is, successfully, used elsewhere in the vicinity. We should contact residents via our e mail data base to ascertain interest and obtain mobile phone numbers where required.
Action FCW
6. Treasurers Report.
CM was not present but had sent a written update which was discussed at the meeting.
It was agreed that a single signature would be sufficient for payments up to £500.
£91.23 was paid, into the bank, from car park donations.
7. Nature Reserve Update.
MR1 reported that the Reserve was looking in beautiful condition and advised that Good Quality Photographs were required for webpage/ Facebook etc
MR2 felt he may have some he could supply.
8. Hall Managers Report.
David Jamieson has resigned from the Kippford Association.
The committee wished to thank David for his outstanding work, over the years, and his ability to successfully cover a number of roles. Including Chairman and Hall Manager.
We now need to transfer the various roles to other members and David will help facilitate this.
Cleaner: It was agreed that Donna Berry should be appointed to clean the village hall.
Action SS
Jubilee Celebrations: An event will take place at the village hall on Friday the 3rd June. This will take the form of a Bring Your Own Picnic (and bottle) Timing around 6pm – details to be confirmed.
Action JH
Steps from car park: It was noted that these were not in the best condition and some minor repairs should be sought.
Sandyhills Development: It was agreed that we should take a lead from Colvend Community Council.
Date of Next Meeting: 6th June 2022 at 7pm
11 April 2022
Attendance: Robert Kennedy (Acting Chair) Richard Copson (Treasurer), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Cameron Mills, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Sam Sample, Frank Williamson, Ian Blake (Councillor), Davie Stitt (Councillor).
In the absence of David Jamieson (Chair), Richard Copson (RC) proposed Robert Kennedy (RK) as Acting Chair for the meeting.
RK welcomed Frank Williamson and Cameron Mills to their first meeting of the Kippford Association.
Apologies: Val Bradbury, Martin Barrett, Joanne Harris, David Jamieson.
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (20th March 2022)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Top Gate Nature Reserve: Martin Rosindale (MR) indicated he did not wish to act as an intermediary in this matter as he felt that there was a conflict of interest. After some discussion it was agreed that Mike Riding (MR1) would write to the owner of the property requesting a meeting to discuss the matter further.
Action MR1/SS
Election of Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer: RC proposed Sam Sample (SS) as vice chair this was seconded by MR1. SS accepted the role of vice chair. Wendy Warne proposed Frank Williamson (FW) as secretary this was seconded by MR1. FW accepted the role of secretary. RC proposed Cameron Mills (CM) as treasurer this was seconded by MR1. CM accepted the role of Treasurer. RK informed the committee that Val Bradbury and Martin Barrett had both resigned from the Kippford Association with immediate effect. RK thanked both Val and Martin for their valuable contribution to the Association.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as at 31st March 2022 had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
Donations : No donations had been received this month. Car park donations £372 YTD £1,533 (March 2021 YTD £795)
At 31st March 2022 the balance was £61,262 this includes Nature Reserve grants and sundry income of £13,168
Update from the Nature Reserve
MR reported that many trees on the Nature Reserve were starting to blossom.
A recent working party on the Nature Reserve had started sowing seeds. The seeds were donated by Dalbeattie Lions.
Hall Manager’s Report
David Jamieson (DJ) had previously circulated the hall managers report. It was noted that the first aid box needed to be refreshed DJ agreed to source a suitable replacement or update the contents depending on which was the most cost effective. The hall electrical system is due a 10 year check. DJ indicated he had contacted two electrical companies to establish what was involved.
New bookings for the hall: Saturday 23rd April Mary Barclay’s band evening, Saturday 30th April RNLI, afternoon, Thursday 5th May Polling Station, all day, Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th May, Solway Yacht Club all day, Wednesday 1st June, Colvend & Southwick Church, evening.
RC informed the meeting that David Jamieson (DJ) was going to be away for sometime. Concern was expressed with regard to hall bookings and the maintenance and cleaning of the hall. Ian Blake (IB) suggested a cleaner and he agreed to check if she would be interested in the role. RK agree to speak to DJ.
Action IB/RK
Jubilee Celebration
RC indicated that Joanne Harris (JH) had informed him she was willing to lead on this matter, and would recruit an organising committee. MR reported that Colvend would be having a Gala day on Saturday 4th June. It was therefore agreed that anything organised for Kippford should take place on Friday 3rd or Sunday 5th June.
A discussion took place about the possibility of using the Nature Reserve for the celebration. SS agreed to contact JH.
Action SS/JH
Electric Vehicle Charging Points
RC indicated that he had been contacted by Colvend Golf Club regarding the possibility of installing charging points on the car park in the village. It was noted that Colvend Village Hall was also considering installing the charging points. It was understood that a private company would organise the installation free of charge but would then take a percentage of the revenue. The suggestion was agreed in principle but it was felt further information was required. MR agreed to obtain more details and prepare a proposal for the next meeting.
Action MR
Private Road Signs
RC advised the committee that the new road signs on the private roads in Kippford had been made and erected by David Woodthorpe – Evans. The committee extended their thanks to David.
Old Village Water Pump
RC advised the committee that the old village water pump had been refurbished by John Searle, Philip Reevell and David Woodthorpe-Evans. The water pump was now working and the committee extended their thanks.
Any other Committee Business
Yacht Club Ground: IB indicated that the council had confirmed that the piece of ground opposite the Village Hall car park was owned by the Yacht Club.
Colvend Community Council: MR had attended recent meetings and gave an update on the Local Place Plan which was being formulated and the proposal by Gillespie Leisure for Sandyhills . MR also advised that Colvend had a WhatsApp group for use in emergency situations. MR agreed to gather information regarding establishing a similar group for Kippford.
Action MR
Date and Time of the Next Meeting, Monday 9th May at 7pm in the Village Hall
RK thanked Richard and Wendy for their valuable contribution to the Kippford Association.
20 Feb 2020
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Richard Copson (Treasurer) Wendy Warne (Secretary), Martin Barrett, Val Bradbury, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Sam Sample
Apologies: Joanne Harris, Ian Blake (Councillor), Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting ( 16th January 2020)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Newsletter: Martin Rosindale (MR) indicated that the Newsletter had been printed and was now ready to be distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as at 31st January 2020 had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
Donations: 40 Donations have been received to 31st January totalling £2,110 average £52 (31/1/19 23 donations totalling £1,065 average £46). RC proposed to send a reminder out with the newsletter
Other income: Rent: Nil, Hall Hire: Car Park Donations: £593 to 31st January (January 2019 £640), Electric Meter: £81, £322 year to date (2019 £210)
Other Donations: The Hogmanay private event generated a donation of £190 and the New Years Day lunch £74.
Dedications: £590 has been received to date for dedications for trees and benches on the Nature Reserve. Further dedications have been requested.
After some discussion it was agreed that any future benches should be the same design and should only be approved for specific locations.
Hall: no significant outgoings, Nature Reserve: £1,137 has been paid for further ground works.
Balance: At 31st January 2020 £49,460, including £ 9,030 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations
Grant Application: The application to the Robin Rigg Wind Farm Fund, for a grant of £8,600 was successful. We can now proceed with the tree felling, followed by new gates and fencing in the top field, and dyke repair.
It was noted that the lottery funding for the steel donation box had not been approved. RC indicated that there may be other options for funding, it was agreed that the box needed to be in place by the summer.
Hall Manager’s Report
The Hall Manager’s report was circulated by David Jamieson (DJ)
Maintenance: Costs are awaited to replace the wooden posts in the car park, which prevent parking at the foot path.
The village defibrillator will be upgraded as part of a Colvend Community Council funding award for the area.
General: D&G Council have enquired about booking the hall April to September on a Monday for over 50s exercise classes.
DJ is exploring the possibility of a drinking water fountain outside the village hall as part of the “Coastal Fountain Fund”. A grant may be available with the Colvend Community Council, but a water meter would have to be installed at the village costs.
The committee wished to extend thanks to the Solway Yacht Club for allowing the meeting held on 21st January, with Scottish Water to take place in the club house.
Hall bookings: New bookings: 27th July Singer Motor Club Lunch
Up and coming Hall Events: 7th March An Audience with Pamela McIellan, 28th March Private Event, 19th April, Water Aid charity Walk via rotary club of Dalbeattie, 25th April, Private Event, Dog show provisionally 15th August.
Update from the Nature Reserve
Alan Dingle (AD) circulated an update for the Nature Reserve.
The Kippford Community Nature Reserve sign has now been positioned inside the pedestrian entrance. The advisory sign acknowledging our gratitude to the corporate and friends donors has been erected at the end of the board walk.
The placing of finger post signs has been delayed due to the inclement weather. It is planned to recommence the work on 24th February, subject to an improvement in the weather.
AD was pleased to report that the recent storms had caused little damage to the tree tubes, and the additional drainage channels had performed well. Some bamboo canes in the arboretum needed attention.
Sign labels have been placed at each species of trees in the arboretum these are in Latin and the common name.
The bee keeper has confirmed that he still intends to place a pair of hives on the reserve.
Mike Riding (MR1) has created an on line record for all bird species recorded on the reserve. This system requires an initial sighting and then a second independent sighting to confirm.
As stated in the Treasurers report the grant application to the Robin Rigg Wind Farm Fund has been successful, and the work can now commence.
Kate Rosindale (KR) queried whether the Scots pine tree was actually a Scots pine or a Corsican pine. KR to obtain advice from an expert.
DJ confirmed that very positive comments were still being received on social media.
Fund Raising/Events/Dog Show
DJ confirmed that he had emailed the archaeologist in relation to the Galloway Viking Treasure Hoard evening event.
A provisional date of 15th August was agreed for the Dog show.
Scottish Water Treatment Plant Update
DJ advised that the notes of the recent meeting had been attached to the Newsletter.
Further details of the temporary work required to the plant on Rough Firth were now available. Two tanks would be required with fencing and camouflage netting from May to September 2020 and 2021.
Although not ideal the committee accepted that something had to be done to enable the water treatment to be improved. DJ to request an artist impression of the temporary site. Other questions for Scottish Water included how the tanks would be emptied and how often this would be required. DJ also agreed to contact the chair of the Rough Firth Committee.
It was noted that the comments of a holiday home owner on Rough Firth had been forwarded to DJ. DJ agreed to respond with the views of the committee.
Quotation for Hedge Trimming
AD indicated he had received a quotation for cutting back the gorse and hedge trimming on the car park. It was felt that this should be carried out every 2 years. Consideration should be given to sharing the costs with the Yacht Club.
Bus Shelter
DJ reported that the Bus Shelter was in need of cleaning. It was agreed that a small working group should undertake this work. DJ also indicated that he would contact the council with a view to the provision of a disabled parking spot near the bus shelter.
Any other Committee Business
MR queried whether any progress had been made with the kitchen extension. DJ indicated that he had not had a response regarding new plans as yet. He agreed to email him to request an update.
KR requested that a poster advertising the National Trust Scotland guided walks to Rough Island be displayed on the Notice Board.
Meeting closed at 9pm.
Date and time of the Next Meeting 19th March at 8pm
16 Jan 2020
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Martin Barrett, Val Bradbury, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Sam Sample, Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Apologies: Richard Copson (Treasurer) Joanne Harris, Ian Blake (Councillor)
Matters Arising
Council Waste Recycling Proposal: Val Bradbury (VB) circulated a paper which she had prepared following attendance at an event hosted by D&G council. The paper summarised the information obtained at the event. Two extra bins will be available for each household, one for paper, and one for plastics and cans. There will not be a bin for garden waste or glass bottles. The paper will be circulated with the next newsletter, along with a link requesting feedback to D&G council. Martin Rosindale ( MR) made a number of comments in relation to the proposal, but agreed he would provide feedback to the council.
Newsletter: The next newsletter will be circulated in February.
Election of Committee and Constitution: David Jamieson (DJ) agreed to relook at the constitution and prepare proposals for the next AGM. Robert Kennedy (RK) indicated he was happy to assist.
1st January get together: DJ indicated that very good feedback had been received from residents.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as at 31st December 2019 had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
Donations: 30 Donations have been received to 31st December totalling £1,505, (31/12/18 11 donations totalling £510)
Other income: Rent: Nil, Hall Hire: £80 from Scottish Water for the public meeting, Car Park Donations: £476 to 31st December (December 2018 £456), Electric Meter: £81, £231 year to date (2018 £210) Grazing: £250 received for the horse grazing let.
Outgoings: Hall: £264 expenditure on the hall grounds hedges etc, Nature Reserve: £6,676 has been spent on arboretum trees and £56 on netting to ensure the boardwalk is safe.
Balance: At 31st December 2019 £49,074, including £ 9,578 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations.
Cash Flow: After the grant from Scottish Natural Heritage is received there will be a balance of approximately £20,000 of grant funds. This will be used for the car park and dyking repairs. Planning permission is required for the car park and this cannot be applied for until we have the speed limit reduction.
Grant Application: An application has been made to the Robin Rigg Wind Farm Fund, for a grant of £8,500 for new gates and fencing in the top field, dyking repair and tree felling on the roadside.
DJ felt that an analysis of the electricity cost and meter income should be undertaken.
VB enquired about the income for the hall being used as a Polling Station. DJ advised that there was a standard payment of £400 but the electricity used was paid for separately.
Richard Copson advised after the meeting that the payment for the hall for use as a Polling Station was presently £450.
Hall Manager’s Report
The Hall Manager’s report was circulated by DJ.
Maintenance: The hedges around the rear of the hall have been cut back. These will be done again in the spring/summer to keep them under control.
The water boiler was repaired in late November.
The outdoor Christmas tree was removed and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Many thanks to a local resident for dealing with this.
One of the heaters in the hall is not operational. An electrician has been asked to look at it. The wall in the hall where the paint is flaking is also going to be looked at again.
The outside of the building, specifically the heat condensing units will washed and cleaned once the weather starts to improve.
Hall bookings: New bookings: 19th or 26th April potential Charity Event (Water Aid), 15th May Mary Barclay’s Band, 6th & 7th June Sailability in association with the Yacht Club, 3rd September 2020, Private Event
Up and coming Hall Events: 25th January RNLI SOS lunch, 25th January Yacht club prize giving (evening), 7th March An Audience with Pamela McIellan, 28th March Private Event.
Update from the Nature Reserve
Alan Dingle (AD) circulated an update for the Nature Reserve.
The arboretum is now established with the planting of 500 specimen trees.
There are stocks of various footpath materials on site to enable repairs to be carried out as required.
The planting of 220 trees donated by the Woodland Trust has now been completed and connects the established woodlands bordering the sides of Killey Mews. Additional trees donated by one of the tree suppliers have been planted around the Reserve.
New Grant Applications: As previously mentioned in the Treasurer’s Report a grant has been applied for to Eon/Robin Rigg wind Farm Fund. Successful applicants will be advised later this month
An application has also been made to the National Lottery for a donations collection secure vault that will be placed on the reserve.
Other Work: the positioning of bird nesting boxes has commenced. The signboards and finger posts will be installed over the next few weeks.
It was noted that many positive comments have been posted on the Village Facebook page by visitors to the Reserve.
DJ advised that Forestry and Land Scotland’s South Region team would be commencing work soon to prepare for tree felling in Mark Hill Forest Kippford. Preparatory work would commence week commencing 27th January and felling from mid February. A document from Forestry and Land Scotland giving further information will be posted on the Kippford Association website.
Fund Raising/Events
DJ reported that a local resident had suggested a talk be organised in relation to the Galloway Viking Treasure Hoard. DJ agreed to approach the archaeologist, with a view to organising an evening event.
It was felt that this year the Kippnic, proposed previously could be organised.
Scottish Water Treatment Plant Update
DJ advised that a meeting had been arranged for next week which he and Robert Kennedy would attend along with representatives from, the Jubilee Path, Rough Firth, Merse Way. Information would be available in relation to the ground work that had been undertaken.
It was noted that a planning application had been submitted by Scottish Water for temporary works to be undertaken to the current plant on Rough Firth. (There is a link on the Kippford website for further information on the planning application).
DJ indicated that he would request that a further public meeting be held.
Information available will be published in the newsletter.
Replacement Post on Pedestrian Ramp
AD advised that the post on the pedestrian ramp to the car park needed to be replaced. DJ agreed to arrange.
Any Other Business
Grass Verges: As discussed at a previous meeting it was agreed to organise for the grass verges, on the left hand side of the road coming into Kippford, to be cut during the summer on a regular basis. DJ agreed to inform the council that the Kippford Association would undertake this work, and he also agreed to obtain quotes.
Traffic Lights Dalbeattie: MR raised this issue, in relation to the traffic lights by Dalbeattie School. He suggested that each of the four roads should be given their own priority rather than the present set up. Davie Stitt agreed to raise this with the appropriate department at the Council. DJ also suggested that MR could raise it at the Colvend Council Meeting.
Kirkcudbright Botanist: VB advised that a group of people would be on the Merse on 4th April looking for maritime species.
Speed Limits: Martin Barrett (MB) asked if there was any update on the speed limit proposal. DJ indicated that he was in the process of preparing a paper which would be circulated.
Date and time of the Next Meeting
The next meeting was arranged for Thursday 20th February at 8pm
25 Nov 2019
Below are the draft minutes from the Kippford Association AGM held on November 25 2019
Papers were circulated to all residents one month prior to the meeting.
Draft Minute of the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Kippford Association held in Kippford Village Hall at 7.00 pm on Monday 25 November 2019.
- Welcome by Chairperson of the Kippford Association (David Jamieson)
The Chairperson welcomed the audience to the meeting, introduced himself and explained that it was his first AGM as Chair.
The attendance sheet recorded 50 signatures.
- Apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from 9 members.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2019
Draft Minutes had been published and distributed previously. These were agreed to be an accurate record. Proposed by Frank Williamson. Seconded by Tony Hartnell.
- Matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting
There were no matters arising. A comment had been made regarding point 7 which referred to the necessity of responsible landowners to cull deer when necessary. There was some opposition to this view but it was hoped that it would not be necessary in the near future. The situation will be monitored.
- The Chairperson’s Review (David Jamieson)
This was divided into 2 parts – the Hall and the Nature Reserve – the 2 assets for which the Committee is responsible.
- The Village Hall. The main refurbishment has now been completed. The new curtains were the last element added. Feedback from within and outwith the Village has been good and we should be proud of the Hall as a focus for the Village and the wider community. The Hall has been used throughout the year for regular clubs, 2 weddings and various charity events. All money raised from these is fed back into Hall funding. No charge is made for the use of the Hall by charities. A number of Village events have been held, including a recent wine tasting evening and the Village Dinner which was moved from May to October due to the difficulty of finding a suitable date. The success of the move has led to requests that October be the regular date. Not all events are fund-raisers. A new group, Chatter Cups, has been set up to provide a regular drop in tea/coffee session. It has been very successful so far. It was set up by Jean Marchbank, assisted by the Chairperson. All are welcome.
- The Nature Reserve. The formal name for this is the Kippford Community Nature Reserve. This name will be used on notice boards and when publicising the Reserve more widely. It has already generated interest from the wider community with invitations to speak at Dumfries and Galloway Council events to promote volunteering and the use of social media as a means of communication. Communication methods used include an email list of residents (147 registered addresses), Facebook (500+ Followers), Twitter and Instagram accounts, a website which includes Minutes of meetings, names of Committee Members etc, and a paper Newsletter with key stories and event details which is circulated to every house. The latter was restarted this year and has received good feedback. Any suggestions for improvement in communication methods are welcome eg What do you think we are missing?
There were no questions.
- Questions for the Treasurer – the Treasurer’s Report (Richard Copson)
The Trustees Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Receipts and Payments Account had been circulated previously. The Accounts have been audited by K H Biggar, CA and reported to OSCR, the Charities regulator.
A number of questions were asked which focussed mainly on the funding of the Nature Reserve in the future, when setting up grants had been spent.
Question – Is it the intention to continue to keep separate accounts for the Hall and the Nature Reserve? Answer – This will continue for next year but in the future the accounts will be merged although significant expenditure in either area will be identifiable.
Question – How will the Nature Reserve fund itself in the future? Answer – a wayleave payment, charges for grazing, a donation box on the Reserve and Forestry Commission maintenance funding.
Question – If the accounts are merged how can villagers make donations to just the Hall or the Reserve? Comment – It will be difficult to split some donations as those for car parking may be made with the intention of visiting the Village, the Reserve or both.
The Chairperson intervened to record that we should be proud of being ahead of the curve in improving the environment by planting trees and stating that the Committee will keep a watching brief on spending in each area as there is no intention of overcommitting spending to the Reserve and not continuing to refurbish the Hall when required. Applications for further grants for the Reserve will be made if/when necessary.
The Treasurer concluded that information provided in the Accounts will be detailed enough for transparency. The Treasurer requested villagers make the usual annual donation to ensure the future viability of the Association.
- The Kippford Community Nature Reserve – update (Mike Riding)
The formal name of the Reserve will be used when dealing with the wider community although some residents may continue to call it The Kipp. Grants have been received from the Forestry Commission, D&G Council, Robin Rigg Community Fund, Lottery Awards For All and SWEAT Landfill Fund. A grant from Scottish Natural Heritage is awaited. Letters and emails have been received praising the Reserve.
Work done this year includes:
March – 4,600 native woodland trees arrived (17 species) and were planted by volunteers over the course of 26 mornings. They have been planted in 6 compartments to create a wildlife habitat mosaic. The final session attracted 30 volunteers. Payment of the grant has been made following a successful inspection of the work. The trees have established very well and fewer than 40 have died.
April/May – Local contractors, Dempster Plant Ltd, were hired to carry out the structural work on the site. Work began in August to create: paths, a pond, benches, culverts, gates and drains. Signposts for the entrance and sponsor acknowledgement are still to come. Finger posts with directions will be added. Water downflow is a continuing issue and will be monitored and corrected as required.
November – The planting of the Arboretum will be done. The focus will be on the birch tree. Advice has been provided by Threave Gardens and the National Birch Collection (Devon). A planting plan has been drawn up and birches from Scotland, Japan, Nepal, China, India, Iran, Georgia, Azarbaijan, and North America will be planted. This will be a special collection.
The Future – Once tree planting has concluded, the work on habitat improvement will continue. This includes scrapes, scrubland, meadows, bird boxes etc. Grants will be applied for to improve the top entrance ie to rebuild the dyke and remove old and damaged trees. A new secure gate will be added at the top. An old well has been discovered in the middle of the Reserve and the stonework will be restored.
Maintenance – The Forestry Commission will supply funding for weeding for 5 years. Volunteers will be needed for strimming and maintaining ditches.
Sponsorship – It will be possible to apply to sponsor a tree or a bench. Costs will be £100 for a tree and £350 for a bench. Plaques will be created for these. There will be 8 benches (3 are already sponsored including one for the residents). Applications to David Jamieson by e-mail.
A number of questions were asked.
Question – What are the plans for parking? Answer – the Council has not given planning permission due to limited sightlines. As a separate project, the Committee is pursuing a reduced speed limit on the road (more information under AOCB) – this may assist the limited sightlines.
Question – How can disabled visitors access the Reserve? Answer – The lower path has been designed for motability access. Gradients have been tested for pushchairs and motability scooters. It is hoped to have car parking spaces when possible.
Question – Will the paths be accessible for mountain bikers? Answer – No because of damage to the paths but, hopefully, signs will not be required to deter them.
- Ratification of Committee Members
As the Committee currently has a full complement of 12 members with none having completed the 3 year limit included in the Constitution, a proposal was made to forego an election but to ask the meeting to ratify the co-opting of Sam Sample. This was not agreed as there was a nomination from the floor. An election, with secret ballot, was held. Sam Sample was proposed by Pat Finlay and seconded by Eileen Steele. Mervyn Wallace was proposed by John Opray and seconded by Martin Rosindale. The votes were cast and counted by Robert Kennedy and Eileen Steele. Sam Sample was duly elected. The Chairperson will contact Mervyn Wallace should another vacancy arise.
- AOCB – Any Other Competent Business
- Repairs to the Hall floor will be carried out.
- An extension to the Hall kitchen has been proposed. A feasibility study is being carried out and costing will be done. The amount will be higher than the Committee can allocate and so a presentation and special meeting will be required. Costs would need to be recouped and so changes to the use of the Hall would need to be considered.
- Speed reduction – discussions have taken place regarding the possibility of reducing the current speed limit of 60 mph to 40 mph on the road between the junction with the A710 and the 30 mph sign. Speed testing has been done and the campaign will continue.
- Scottish Water Infrastructure proposals – There is no update on what was presented at an information stand in the car park on Monday. The Chairperson is pursuing more details regarding Why?, Where? and When? work will be carried out. He is working with Colvend Community Council which is recognised by the Council as a planning body and proposes a Sub-committee with representatives from Merse Way, Jubilee Path and Rough Firth. Information received will be distributed using the usual communication methods.
- The water heater in the kitchen has been repaired.
- Gerry Dunlavey thanked the Committee and residents for the work they do for the Village.
- The Chairperson thanked the Committee for their work.
The meeting closed at 8.35 pm.
17 Oct 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Richard Copson (Treasurer) Wendy Warne (Secretary), Val Bradbury, Joanne Harris, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Ian Blake (Councillor), Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Apologies: Martin Barrett
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (19th September 2019). The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Hall Kitchen: David Jamieson (DJ) reiterated that he had emailed the previous architect on a number of occasions and had not received a response. Plans from Bill Ford were awaited.
Antique Valuation: Val Bradbury (VB) reported that £108 had been raised. Some really good items had been brought for valuation. Unfortunately the event was not very well attended. VB had forwarded a letter of thanks to Thomson Roddick.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as at 30th September 2019 had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
Donations: An appeal for donations will go out with the AGM notice. Two donations have been received however, total £60.
Other income: Rent: Nil, Hall Hire: £60 for one private function, Car Park Donations: nothing banked in the month of September, but £260 banked in early October, Electric Meter: Nil, Nature Reserve: as mentioned last month a grant of £10,000 was received from the Land Fill Fund,( SWEAT) in early September. We have now received £49,800 in grants with Scottish National Heritage grant of approximately £36,000 outstanding. Dog Show: the show raised £912 for D&G Canine Rescue Centre and a net £173 from food and drink takings for the Association. Kippford Artists: The committee extended thanks to the Kippford Artists for the donation of £200 which had been received following the exhibition.
Outgoings: Nature Reserve: £6,159 has been spent on arboretum trees for delivery next month.
Balance: At 30th September 2019 £45,540, including £17,628 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations.
Hall Manager’s Report
The Hall Manager’s report was circulated by DJ.
The charity McMillan Coffee afternoon held in the Village Hall raised £130. Thanks were extended to everyone who baked, setup, served and also all those who came along to support the event.
Two residents in the village have started a drop in afternoon initiative, for village residents, every Friday between 2.30 and 4.30pm in the Village Hall. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. The inaugural event of “Chatter Cups” took place on Friday 11th October.
Maintenance: The fire extinguishers have received their annual inspection and service.
Hall bookings: New bookings: 7th March 2020, an Audience with Pamela McIellan, 28th March 2020, Private Event, 3rd October 2020, Private Event
Up and coming Hall Events: 24th October, RNLI Coffee Morning, 26th October Village Dinner, 2nd November, Tim Kliphuis Musical Evening, 22nd November, Wine Tasting, 25th November AGM
Update from the Nature Reserve
Alan Dingle (AD) circulated an update for the Nature Reserve.
It was noted that The Galloway News had published a report in the 26th September edition of the paper, reporting that the footpath network in Mid Park was open to visitors. There was a full page article with photographs, recognition was given to the local organisations who had given services or goods free of charge to the project.
All trees for the arboretum are now on order, and are expected in November. A small team of volunteers are preparing the area for the trees.
B.S.W. (Dalbettie Saw Mill), have donated a further two loads of chipped bark. This is required to create mulch matting, over the membrane being arranged around the specimen trees.
Volunteers are required to assist in preparing the ground in the remainder of October (not weekends), and to help with planting in November.
A survey of the footpaths has been completed to evaluate various drainage issues and footpath erosion caused by the recent heavy rainfall. Remedial work will be required to divert run of water away from the footpaths.
Discussions have also taken place with contractors to utilise the large boulders on site to create a meeting or assembly area for groups to use. This will be located near the entrance.
A discussion took place regarding having maps of the footpath network. Mike Riding (MR) indicated that a map had been considered and was something that could be done once the arboretum had been completed. It was noted that all core paths could be found on the Dumgal website.
VB reported that the seeds for planting around the ponds had now been received. MR pointed out that Dempsters still had more work to do before the planting could take place.
DJ advised the committee that very positive feedback had been received via social media regarding the Nature Reserve. A sample would be available for the AGM.
Fund Raising/Events
The Village Dinner will take place on 26th October 2019
A wine tasting event will take place on 22nd November 2019. AD to organise, tickets to be priced at £10. DJ to apply for alcohol licence.
AGM/Financial Report 2018/19
The draft papers and the financial report for the AGM to be held on 25th November 2019 were circulated. RC gave details of the financial position. After some minor amendments the papers were approved. Martin Rosindale (MR1) agreed to arrange for them to be printed and circulated with the newsletter. DJ to forward the papers to MR1.
Robert Kennedy (RK) agreed to help with the circulation of the newsletter in the Riverview area.
It was agreed to co-opt Sam Sample to the vacant position on the committee.
Grass Verges
RC raised this issue, he pointed out that the golf club and the caravan park keep the grass verges tidy at the top of the road into the village. He felt that some work should be done lower down the road. Ian Blake suggested that it might be possible to get work done when the council workmen were next around the local area.
Civic Pride and Volunteering
DJ indicated that he had attended a meeting in relation to civic pride and looking after villages. The council are asking for help to look after local areas. They will provide help and support and loans of equipment if required. DJ confirmed that he had a contact at the council.
Any Other Business
Waste and Recycling: Davie Stitt informed the meeting that a drop in event would take place at Dalbettie Town Hall on 11th November between 3-7.30 pm regarding waste and recycling collections.
Colvend Community Council Meeting: DJ indicated that he had attended a recent meeting of the Colvend Community Council, as a member of the public. A new three year extension to the E-ON Wind farm Community Benefit fund is available. Applications for funds from 1-15k can be applied for before the 12th December. All applications require three quotes. A discussion took place about possible projects that required funding, these included tree felling on the Nature Reserve, repair work to the well on the Nature Reserve, core paths requiring clearing. MR/VB agreed to obtain quotes for tree felling.
Scottish Water: DJ advised that he had been contacted by Scottish Water regarding a project to improve the quality of the bathing water in the Urr Estuary. They had indicated that the present treatment works was unable to cope with the fivefold increase in population in Kippford in the summer months. To help improve the quality and to protect the environment, they are in the process of planning a new multi million pound scheme. The project will involve the construction of a new wastewater treatment works to the north of Merse Way which will be screened by trees, a new outfall pipe into the estuary and a new sewer through the village.
To help develop these plans, site investigation works will take place at various locations across the village. There are currently no plans to close any roads. DJ is to meet next week with a representative form Scottish Water, and a Public Open Day is being planned for November.
Refuse Lorries: Some concerns had been expressed regarding the refuse lorries going up Quarry road very early in the morning. DS to obtain a time schedule.
Speed Limit: RC requested an update on the speed limit issue, particularly bearing in mind Scottish Waters reference to the fivefold increase in population in Kippford during the summer months. DJ advised that he was preparing a document to be forwarded to the council which had the support of local businesses.
Calendar for Threave; MR1 indicated that he had been involved in producing the 2020 calendar. The 2021 calendar will be for the whole of the Stewartry for National Trust Properties. The calendar will be finalised by May 2020.
Kippford Calendar: Submissions for the Kippford Calendar should be forwarded to David Jamieson by the end of October.
Meeting closed at 10pm
Date and time of next meeting AGM Monday 25th November 7pm
Kippford Association Committee meeting to follow the AGM
19 Sep 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Martin Barrett, Joanne Harris, Robert Kennedy, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale,
Apologies: Val Bradbury, Richard Copson, Mike Riding, Ian Blake (Councillor), Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (22nd August 2019)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Hall Kitchen: David Jamieson (DJ) indicated that Bill Ford a previous hall manager had offered to assist with the plans for the proposed kitchen extension.
Memorial Benches & Trees: DJ reported that a number of requests for information packs had been received.
Hedge by car park: The hedge would be trimmed in the next few weeks.
Newsletter: Martin Rosindale (MR) requested articles for the newsletter which would be published shortly.
Nuisance from Seagulls: DJ indicated he would put something about this problem on the website and it would also feature in the newsletter. MR stated that further problems had been reported to him.
Drainage on the Main Road: It was noted that this matter had been raised by Davie Stitt with the relevant department at the council.
Antiques Valuation: Val Bradbury had requested some assistance with setting up the hall on 4th October. DJ volunteered.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as at 31st August 2019 had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
One further donation has been received since the last meeting. YTD 45 donations received totalling £1,870, averaging £42. Last year 40 donations had been received totalling £1,795, averaging £45.
Other income: Rent: Nil, Hall Hire: £155 for two private functions, Car Park Donations: £457, YTD £2,431, (2018 YTD £2,015), Gift Aid on this years donations will add a further £608 giving a total annual income from car park donations of £3,038 Electric Meter: Nil, Nature Reserve, A grant of £14,081 has been received from the Forestry Commission for the planting of woodland trees. This has covered the full cost of the trees and planting and left a small surplus of £440. (Since the year end we have also received a grant of £10,000 for the arboretum from the Land Fill Fund, SWEAT)
Outgoings: Nature Reserve: An interim payment of £15,000 has been made to Colin Dempster for the work on the paths gates and pond. £840 has been paid for the refurbishing and repositioning of the old kissing gate between Midpark (the arboretum field) and Barn Croft (the top gate field).
£362 was paid for the new PA system
Balance: At 31st August 2019 £41,064, including £13,788 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations.
Hall Manager’s Report
The Hall Manager’s report was circulated by DJ.
It was noted that the chest pads on the defibrillator outside the village hall had been replaced in line with their expiry date. The battery is fully operational.
The NHS has created a new national database of defibrillators, and the village hall one is registered. This allows the emergency services to locate nearby devices when needed. This new service replaces the previous list.
A discussion took place about First Responders endorsing how beneficial this service is.
It was also agreed to raise the issue of donations to specific charities at the AGM.
The Village Dinner has been confirmed as 26th October 2019 in the village hall. Tickets are available from DJ.
Hall bookings: New bookings: 15th September Private Event, 27th September MacMillan Coffee Morning, 2nd September 2020,Private Event
Up and coming Hall Events: 21st September Private Function, 27th September MacMillan coffee Morning, 28th September Private Function, 4th October, Antiques Valuation, 24th October, RNLI coffee Morning, 26th October Village Dinner.
Update from the Nature Reserve
Alan Dingle (AD) circulated an update for the Nature Reserve.
Dempster’s have completed the main path work and the pond. The dropped kerb has also been installed and is encouraging pedestrians to approach from the village car park. Some further tidying up is still to be carried out by the contractor.
The perch benches have been installed around the footpaths. Fencing has also been completed leading to the board walk. All this work has been undertaken by Alan smith Fencing.
Ornamental birch trees have been ordered for the arboretum, from the National Collection Nurseries in Devon. Volunteers are required in early October for preparation and in November for planting. Volunteers are also required in November to plant a wildlife corridor with trees supplied by the Woodland Trust. Further information and dates will be in the newsletter.
The refurbished kissing gate has been installed in the new access point in the dyke from Barn Croft into Mid Park.
Signs are at the development stage with Signs of Scotland in Campbeltown. There will be two separate signs funded by IPA. The first is a wooden sign for the Nature Reserve at the access gate, where eventually the small car park will be sited. The second smaller sign will be in the arboretum acknowledging the donors, Friends and residents of Kippford and also the corporate donors who we are obliged to recognise on this sign.
The Tawny Owl box is now in position and waiting for a suitable lodger. Eight refurbished bird boxes are to be placed around the reserve these will be numbered and mapped.
Robbie Johnson is to create a small fenced area around the pair of bee hives. Robbie is supplying all the materials. The hives are due to arrive in the Spring.
It is also hoped that we will have some animal carvings, similar to the ones on the caravan park.
Fund Raising/Events
The next event is the Antiques Valuation on 4th October.
The Village Dinner will take place on 26th October 2019
A wine tasting event will take place on 22nd November.
Any Other Business
AGM: The AGM will take place on Monday 25th November at 7pm in the Village Hall. The necessary paperwork will be circulated with the newsletter.
Constitution: Martin Barrett (MB) enquired if this matter was to be raised at the AGM. It was confirmed that it would be along with a proposal to change to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), a paper summarising why this would be beneficial would be prepared.
Bottom Field: MB asked if the bottom field of the nature reserve would be available for sheep to graze this year. It was confirmed that it would not be available.
Dumfries and Galloway Canine Rescue Centre: AD reported that a letter of thanks for the donation had been received from the Rescue Centre.
D&G Council: It was noted that a letter had been received regarding an open day on 8th October and asking if the association would like to have a stand for the Nature Reserve. AD to forward further information to the committee members. DJ agreed to man the stand on the day.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm. The next meeting was arranged for 17th October at 8pm in the Village Hall.
22 Aug 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Val Bradbury, Joanne Harris, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale, Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Apologies: Ian Blake (Councillor), Martin Barrett, Richard Copson
David Jamieson (DJ) reported that Kevin Gibson had resigned from the committee since the last meeting. DJ was hoping to speak to Kevin, but the committee extended thanks to Kevin for his support whilst on the committee.
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting
The minutes of 20th June 2019 were accepted as a correct record
Matters Arising
Roof leak: DJ to approach a builder to look at this problem.
Hall Kitchen: DJ indicated that he had not received a response from the original architect involved. It was agreed that another architect should be approached.
Speed Limit: The results from the speed test undertaken on the road had been received. DJ agreed to put these on the website. DJ had discussed the issues with the Road Department and it was noted that there was still further work to be done.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as at 9th August 2019 had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
Two further donations have been received since the last meeting. YTD 45 donations received totalling £1,930, averaging £43. Last year 38 donations had been received totalling £1,645, averaging £43.
The Gift Aid claim for 2018/19 has now been received totalling £1,018 including £521 for Gift Aid on car park donations.
Other income: Rent: £229 for badminton, Hall Hire: £450 for polling station use, £400 for a wedding, and £120 for two private functions, Car Park Donations: £526, YTD £1,974, (2018 YTD £1,731), Electric Meter: £20,YTD £555
Outgoings: Nature Reserve: None
Other normal small monthly payments.
Balance: At 31st July 2019 £42,632, including £15,546 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations.
Kate Rosindale (KR) advised that she had received an invoice which she would forward to RC.
Hall Manager’s Report
The Hall Manager’s report had been previously circulated by DJ.
It was noted that the final part of the project to upgrade the village hall had been completed with the installation of a new sound system. This gives superior microphone and sound quality plus the ability to add an additional microphone if required. The equipment also allows for music to be played from phones and tablets via Bluetooth. The total cost of the sound system £362.
The Annual Dog show was a great success, raising £912 for the Dumfries & Galloway Canine Rescue Centre. Thanks are extended to all sponsors, participants and everyone in the village who gave their time to make it a fun day.
Regular Events
- Tuesday 1pm: Kippford Bridge Club returns 24th September
- Wednesday 7.15 pm: Kippford Carpet Bowling Club returns 2nd October
- Friday 7.30pm: Badminton has resumed 16th August
- Lisa’s keep fit classes begin from 10th September
Hall bookings: New bookings: 12th August, Merse Way AGM, 21st September, Private Function, 28th September, Private Function, 24th October, RNLI Coffee Morning, 2nd November, Tim Kliphuis Musical Event, 25th January 2020, RNLI SOS Event.
Up and coming Hall Events: 21st September Private Function, 28th September Private Function, 4th October, Antiques Valuation, 24th October, RNLI coffee Morning.
It was noted that the hedge at the back of the car park would be cut in the next few weeks.
Update from the Nature Reserve
Alan Dingle (AD) gave an update from the Nature Reserve committee.
Dempster’s had made an impressive start on the footpath network. Unfortunately some flood damage had occurred, and additional culverts would be added.
The new pond had been built, with landscaping and planting to follow.
Further work is underway in planning the arboretum. A selection of specimen birch trees will be sourced from the National Collection suppliers in Devon. It is hoped that volunteers will assist with the preparatory work in September and planting in November.
A document has been prepared on “Memorial Benches & Trees”, this will be available on the website.
Alan Smith (fencing) LTD are currently on site installing timber gates, broadwalk and a new pedestrian gate from the road.
The estate kissing gate was delivered to Orange Works in Castle Douglas, this has been restored and a new swing gate built.
Designs are in preparation for the entrance signs into the Nature Reserve. The first will be visible from the road to advise access points and reserve title. The second sign will be on the reserve to acknowledge the generosity of residents and friends of the village and also the charity funders who may wish for corporate logo to be displayed.
A discussion took place regarding options to secure access at the top of the Nature Reserve. Various options were identified, it was agreed to seek further professional advice.
Another issue on the Nature Reserve was discussed, it was agreed that DJ would prepare and circulate a draft letter outlining the options.
Fund Raising/Events
The next event is the Antiques Valuation on 4th October. Posters advertising the event are to be prepared by DJ.
A possible date for the Village Dinner was identified as 26th October. Joanne Harris (JH) to check the availability of the caterers.
A wine tasting event will hopefully be organised in November.
Nuisance from Seagulls
Martin Rosindale (MR) raised this issue following concerns by residents in relation to seagulls becoming a nuisance. It was agreed to put a notice on the website requesting residents not to feed seagulls. MR also indicated that he could put something in the next newsletter.
Any Other Business
Email from Jack Nicholson re Speed restrictions
DJ had previously circulated an email from Jack Nicholson regarding his thoughts on the speed limit restrictions. This was discussed and a draft response prepared by DJ was approved.
Drainage on the Main Road
AD raised concerns in relation to the drains taking water from the road which appeared to be blocked. Davie Stitt (DS) agreed to raise this with the appropriate department.
Public Toilets
MR raised this issue and indicated that he was aware that letters had been received by local businesses regarding the future of Public toilets. A discussion took place regarding this but it was agreed that it was not something the Association would want to get involved in. DS reported that a consultation exercise was presently being undertaken.
Meeting closed at 9.40pm Date of next meeting 19th September 2019 at 8pm
20 Jun 2019
Attendance: Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Kevin Gibson, Martin Barrett, Mike Riding, Martin Rosindale.
Apologies: Ian Blake (Councillor), Val Bradbury, Richard Copson, Joanne Harris, David Jamieson, Robert Kennedy, Kate Rosindale, Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting
The minutes were accepted as a correct record, with the following amendment, In Attendance Kevin Gibson.
Matters Arising
Roof leak: Kevin Gibson (KG) to ask a builder to have a look at the roof.
Hall Kitchen: David Jamieson (DJ) to update at the next meeting.
Speed Limit: It was noted that (DJ) had spoken to all interested parties, who supported the application. A response had been received from the roads department saying the application was still being considered.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report as at 6th June 2019 had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
Seven further donations have been received since the last meeting. YTD 43 donations have been received totalling £1,805, averaging £42. Last year 37 donations had been received totalling £1,545, averaging £42. A final request will be made in the next news letter
The Gift Aid claim for 2018/19 has now been submitted, together with a claim for Gift Aid on car park donations.
Other income: Rent None, Events, None, £285 car park donations, YTD £1,447, £59 electric meter YTD £535
Outgoings: Nature Reserve: None, Other normal small monthly payments.
Balance: At 31st May £39,307, including £15,181 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations.
Hall Manager’s Report
The Hall Manager’s report had been previously circulated by David Jamieson.
It was noted that the wedding reception held in the hall at the end of May had been a great success. The family had donated an excess of soft drinks for use at a future village event.
The royal Bank of Scotland sought permission to continue to use the Village Hall car park for mobile banking services on a Wednesday from 9.55 to 10.25. This had been granted.
The second hand curtains donated to the Village Hall, which had not been used are going to be donated to Colvend church for their annual charity sale.
Two recent updates were added to the website www.kippfordvillage.org in relation to the Arboretum plan for the Kippford Nature Reserve and the appointment of a contractor for the footpaths on the Reserve. Anyone wanting more frequent updates can sign up for email updates via the website: https//kippfordvillage.org/kipp-mailing.
Up and coming Hall events: 21st June Fever Concert, 6th July Private Function, 17th July Private Function, 20th July Private Function, 26th July – 3rd August Kippford Painters Exhibition, 17th August Dog show.
Update from the Nature Reserve
Mike Riding (MR) reported that the contract for the footpaths had been awarded to Colin Dempster Ltd. The contract included 6 benches to be placed in various locations. It was noted that the bench which had been previously donated, had now been placed in a temporary location on the Nature Reserve but a more permanent location would be found. Martin Barrett (MB) indicated that he would like to sponsor a bench for the Nature Reserve.
It is hoped that the Forestry Commission, would be visiting soon to inspect the trees.
MR informed the committee that the saw mill at Dalbettie had agreed to donate bark chippings, MR to arrange transportation.
The latest update is now available on the website, MR stated that in future he would forward updates to the Kipp Group and committee members.
Alan Dingle (AD) indicated that the Tawny Owl box was now ready to be placed.
MB reported that he had spoken to Robbie Johnston who had bee hives at the caravan park, and he would be interested in having bee hives on the Nature Reserve. AD agreed to contact Robbie Johnston. MB agreed to contact the lady who was interested in having bee hives on the Nature Reserve and would suggest that she contact AD.
Fund Raising/Events
The dog show will take place on 17th August, AD indicated that donations of cakes, biscuits and sandwiches would be appreciated. It was suggested that an appeal should be placed on the website.
Hall Benches
AD stated that a bench had recently been removed from the grass verge in front of the Village Hall, due to it being deemed unsafe. AD would try and ascertain if the family who had donated the bench many years ago could be contacted.
Newsletter: It was agreed that the next newsletter would be published in the autumn
Meeting closed: 8:45 pm
Next Meeting 22nd August at 8pm
16 May 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Martin Barrett, Joanne Harris, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale.
Apologies: Ian Blake (Councillor) Val Bradbury, Richard Copson, Robert Kennedy Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (18th April 2019)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Roof leak: Kevin Gibson (KG) confirmed that he had looked at the roof but did not think there was any leak. He thought the fault was due to pipes which went through the wall resulting in dampness. KG to ask a builder to have a look.
Forestry commission: Mike Ridding (MR) indicated that the payment for the trees would be delayed by approximately 2 months due to a backlog at the Forestry commission.
Wild flower seeds: It was noted that the wild flower seeds had been planted on the nature reserve.
Hall Kitchen: David Jamieson (DJ) reported that he had contacted the architect regarding the plans for the hall kitchen and quotes. He had also forwarded some plans from 2002 which he had obtained. DJ had spoken to the Food Standard Agency for Scotland regarding the regulations for a kitchen and it had been confirmed that just basic hygiene regulations would need to be followed.
Speed Limit: AD and RC had attended a meeting in Colvend but the councillors present at the meeting and not been very hopeful about getting the speed limit reduced. It was however noted that a survey would be undertaken in July to ascertain the average speed limit. DJ indicated that local businesses had been approached and they supported the proposal. Martin Rosindale (MR1) referred to a conversation he had had with a former councillor who felt that the proposal would have more support if the speed limit reduced from the crest of the hill rather than from the road junction. DJ to share the letter sent to the Council, based on the information circulated to all committee members by MR.KG suggested a further sign saying Please drive carefully may help.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report had been previously circulated by Richard Copson (RC)
Eleven donations have been received since the last meeting, following the newsletter appeal. YTD 36 donations have been received totalling £1595, averaging £44. Last year 37 donations had been received totalling £1545, averaging £42.
As verbally reported last month £1018 has been received for Gift Aid on parking donations for 2016/17 and 2017/18. A claim for 2018/19 will now be submitted, together with a claim for Gift Aid on Annual donations
Other income: Rent None, Events, None, £249 car park donations, YTD £1162 £77 electric meter YTD £476
Outgoings: Nature Reserve: None,
Other normal small monthly payments.
Balance: At 30th April £39,234, including £15,206 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations.
Hall Manager’s Report
DJ presented the Hall Manager’s report which had been previously circulated.
The hall has been booked on 23rd May by D&G Council for use as a Polling Station for the European Elections. The ballet group have been informed that the hall will be unavailable.
Traffic to the website www.kippfordvillage.org remains steady and feedback is positive. Photographs are to be posted on the website gallery. Social Media is also seeing an increase. On face book a recent image of the village was liked by 541 people, resulting in it being seen by 16,897, this is our best every post.
Hall bookings:
New bookings: 23rd May: Polling station
Up and coming Hall events: 23rd May Polling Station, 31st May-2nd June Wedding, 21st June Fever Concert, 6th July Private Function, 17th July Private Function, 20th July Private Function, 26th July – 3rd August Kippford Painters Exhibition, 17th August Dog show
Update from the Nature Reserve
Mike Riding (MR) reported that one quote had been received and two more were awaited for the footpaths. Alan Dingle (AD) MR and RC would meet with the contractors. The application for the footpaths had been forwarded for planning approval. It was expected that this work would be completed by mid September.
Fund Raising/Events
The dog show will take place on 17th August, and the Antique Valuation on 4th October.
It was noted that the footpaths in the village had recently been sprayed with weed killer.
Proposed path on the shore, KG agreed to chase up the response from the council.
Meeting closed: 8:50 pm
Next Meeting 20th June at 8pm in the Village Hall
18 Apr 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Richard Copson (Treasurer), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Martin Barrett, Val Bradbury, Joanne Harris, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale. Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Apologies: Ian Blake (Councillor), Kevin Gibson, Robert Kennedy
Attendance and Apologies: As noted above
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (21st March 2019)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Newsletter: Relevant details for the donations and village dinner menu had been forwarded to Martin Rosindale (MR1) and the new sheet had been produced.
Roof leak: David Jamieson (DJ) agreed to contact Kevin Gibson (KG) for an update regarding the water ingress on the wall where the foyer joins the main hall.
Bank mandate: Richard Copson (RC) confirmed that details had been forwarded to RBS but a recent communication had been received and they had requested documentation again.
Forestry commission: Mike Riding (MR) confirmed that a claim had been submitted for the trees and inspection of the site would be undertaken prior to reimbursement.
Dog show: DJ reported that he had been contacted by Canine Rescue and he confirmed that the dog show would take place on 17th August.
Wild flower seeds: Val Bradbury (VB) reported that she had met with David Hawker and was now aware of the seeds to purchase and the quantities required. He had also suggested obtaining hay to scatter in the autumn. Details of the cost were forwarded to RC.
Hall Kitchen: MR1 indicated that KG had undertaken searches regarding the ownership of the land and it was confirmed that this belonged to the Kippford Association. A discussion took place regarding the proposed extension and additional car parking. It was agreed that the committee still wished to pursue the kitchen extension and that the views of the whole village would need to be obtained regarding this and views on additional car parking. It was agreed to seek advice from the architect regarding the car parking issues.
DJ agreed to contact the architect regarding this issue and quotes for the kitchen.
Treasurer’s Report
Richard Copson (RC) presented the treasurer’s report which had been previously circulated.
One donation had been received since the last meeting. YTD 25 donations have been received totalling £1130, averaging £46. Last year 37 donations had been received totalling £1545, averaging £42. The donation appeal has recently been circulated with the newsletter.
Other income: Rent None, £70 car park donations, YTD £984 ( 2018 YTD £727) £77 electric meter YTD £476
Outgoings: Nature Reserve: None, Annual insurance renewal: £913 (2018 £857)
Hall Refurbishment: New curtains £1965
Other normal small monthly payments.
Balance: £47,851, including £15,511 balance of the Nature Reserve grants and donations.
Hall Manager’s Report
DJ presented the Hall Manager’s report which had been previously circulated. It was noted that the pool table had now been removed, by the club from Castle Douglas.
Registration for the Information Commissioner’s Office/Data Protection is now due for renewal at a cost of £40.
The catering for the village dinner on the 10th May 2019 has now been booked and the menu selected. The ticket price being £23.50, and a Bring your own Bottle will be operated. This is a social gathering for residents and not a fund raising event and the ticket price covers the cost of the catering. Tickets are available from any committee member or by emailing events@kippfordvillage.org.
Traffic to the website www.kippfordvillage.org has been increasing and feedback remains positive. Social Media is also seeing an increase and in some Facebook posts we hit a reach of almost 2000 individuals. Kate Rosindale (KR) agreed to send photographs of plants and wildlife in Kippford for Facebook.
Hall bookings:
New bookings: 21st June the Fever, musical event, 6th July Private Function
Up and coming Hall events: 25th April Jubilee Path AGM, 10th May Village Dinner, 11/12th May Private Function, 31st May-2nd June Wedding
Update from the Nature Reserve
Mike Riding (MR) reported that a tender document had been circulated to various contractors for the footpaths, benches and gates. It was expected that this work would be completed by mid September.
DJ queried whether anything could be done with the tyre damage in the top field. After some discussion it was decided not to do anything at the present time.
It was noted that a local photographer was taking photographs on a regular basis, and DJ agreed to add something to the Facebook page.
RC reported that a local garden centre had donated a bench this had now been received and just required staining. RC agreed to send a letter of thanks.
Martin Barret (MB) asked if any progress had been made in relation to having bee hives on the Nature Reserve. MR indicated that there was a local resident who was interested and Joanne Harris (JH) agreed to make contact. MB indicated that he would contact the Bee Keeping Association of Scotland.
MB queried whether wood carvings were still being considered for the Nature Reserve, DJ agreed to contact Kristine Filer.
MB stated that a recent visitor had commented that the planting of the trees on the Nature Reserve was a wonderful legacy.
It was agreed that a further Open Day, with presentations in the Hall and walks on the Nature Reserve should be organised. Date to be confirmed.
Fund Raising/Events
DJ suggested a Kippford Cookbook could be produced, it was agreed to consider this in the future.
Speed Limit
A proposal to reduce the speed limit had been previously circulated. MR reported that following a planning application for the footpaths and car park for the Nature Reserve, a site visit had been undertaken by representatives of the planning department. The application could not be endorsed due to inadequate sight lines. A discussion had however followed regarding the speed limit which is presently 60 mph, it was felt that if this could be reduced to 40 mph it might help with a planning application in the future. It was also felt that a 40 mph limit was more appropriate in view of the number of access points on to the road and the pedestrian traffic during the summer months. The proposal previously circulated by MR was discussed and it was agreed that support from residents and local businesses would be required. The proposal was supported and DJ agreed to contact the tearoom, caravan parks and pottery. JH confirmed that she would obtain details of the manager of the caravan park.
RC and DJ to forward a letter to the council regarding this issue as soon as possible.
Davie Stitt (DS) reported that there would be road works on the A710 from 25th April to 29th April with some minor delays. In relation to road works MR1 queried why the yellow paint markings for potholes had been stopped at the bend near the village hall. DS agreed to raise this with the relevant people.
Newsletters: MR1 confirmed that these had now all been delivered except to Riverview. DJ suggested emailing or ringing Robert Kennedy with regard to the delivery.
Door lock: It was noted that the locks had not as yet been changed.
Wild flower seeds: It was agreed that these would be scattered on Tuesday 23rd April at 10.00 am. DJ agreed to circulate a message to the Nature Reserve group.
Meeting closed: 9:30 pm Next meeting: 16th May 2019, 8pm in the Village Hall
21 Mar 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Richard Copson (Treasurer), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Martin Barrett, Val Bradbury, Kevin Gibson, Joanne Harris, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Kate Rosindale, Martin Rosindale. Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Apologies: Ian Blake (Councillor)
Attendance and Apologies: As noted above
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (21st February 2019)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Antique Valuation Val Bradbury (VB) reported that the Antique Valuation day had been arranged for Friday 4th October between 1pm to 4pm.
Hall Kitchen VB, David Jamison (DJ) and Kevin Gibson (KG) had met with an architect, regarding the proposal to extend the Hall Kitchen. The architect will provide an estimate of costs in the first instance and some initial ideas. A discussion took place regarding a new facility having to meet current legislation. It was also noted that there may be an opportunity to provide additional car parking places. DJ stated that this proposal would require further discussion within the village before being taken further. It was noted that if the proposal did go ahead KG would like to be given the opportunity to quote for the job. Joanne Harris (JH) indicated that she was aware that it was being proposed that Public Toilets in some locations be closed, if this was the case it might be worth while including the toilets in any future project. Davie Stitt (DS) confirmed that a report should be available in September regarding Public Toilets.
Dyke KG reported that he had met with Robert Lowther, from the council regarding the hole in the dyke. The suggestion to open up the dyke and put a pathway on the shore had been considered favourably. KG was waiting to hear back from Robert Lowther, the committee would then need to make a decision as to whether to go ahead with this project.
Scottish Water DJ advised that he had received no further update from Scottish Water but it was noted that the pipes had now been disconnected. Martin Rosindale (MR) felt that something could be included in the next Newsletter if DJ could provide necessary information
Treasurer’s Report
Richard Copson (RC) presented the treasurer’s report which had been previously circulated.
No donations had been received since the last meeting. This year to date
24 donations have been received totalling £1105, averaging £46. Last year 33 donations had been received totalling £1385, averaging £42. As yet no appeal for donations had been sent out, but RC indicated that he had forwarded an item for inclusion in the next newsletter and on the website.
Other income:
Rent £250 for horse rent, £272 car park donations, YTD £914 ( 2018 YTD £727) £69 electric meter YTD £399
Grant from the Lottery £8600 for the Nature Reserve. Total grants offered
now total £96720
Nature Reserve: £11432 for the woodland trees. This will be recovered from the grant offered by the Forestry Commission.
Other normal small monthly payments.
Balance: £40,557, including £15,269 allocated to The Kipp
Bank Mandate
RC reported that 5 old signatories for people no longer on the committee needed to be removed. It was resolved that the authorised signatories in the current RBS mandate, for the accounts detailed in section 1.3 (of the RBS ‘Business Banking single Mandate’), be changed in accordance with section Authorised Signatories. And the Current mandate will continue as amended.
Hall Manager’s Report
DJ circulated the Hall Manager’s Report. The club who had felt the pool table was too small, have now decided they would like it for their snooker club. They will arrange transportation.
The Parkinsons’ Group raised £1,350 for the charity at the fund raising event on 15th March.
It was noted that there was further water ingress on the wall where the foyer joins the main hall. KG agreed to get someone to look at this.
The new curtains have now been fitted with positive feedback.
The website has had a refresh and general up date, it now has three distinct areas, focusing on Visitors to the village; the Association; The Nature Reserve. The news section can also be filtered to your area of interest. (www.kippfordvillage.org). The aim is for the site to grow with more history of Kippford and the flora and fauna of the village. All submissions are welcome. DJ was thanked for all his hard work in developing the website.
Hall bookings
New Booking: 25th April, Jubilee Path AGM, 26th July-3rd August Kippford Painters’ Exhibition, 17th August Kippford Dog Show, 4th October Antiques Valuation
Up and coming Hall Events: 25th April Jubilee Path AGM, 10th May Village Dinner, 11/12 May Private function, 31 May/2 June Wedding
MR requested more information on the village dinner for the Newsletter, DJ also agreed to put a poster on the notice board regarding this event.
Update from the Kipp Group
Mike Riding informed the meeting that 4,600 trees had been planted over the last 4 weeks. It had been a huge effort and DJ thanked Mike for all his hard work. Wendy Warne(WW) read out a letter received from Kate Howatson. Kate wished to convey a huge thank you to the intrepid team of tree planters, for the amazing work over the last few weeks, and particularly to Mike for his leadership, guidance and expertise. His coordination of the project and his patience were superb. The committee agreed with these sentiments.
The next phase of the project will be foot paths and parking area, along with a woodland area for Colvend School.
MR will now submit a claim to the forestry commission for the trees.
Kate Rosindale (KR) reported that she had recently visited Eskrigg Nature Reserve in Lockerbie. She suggested that it might be worth a visit by members of the Kipp group .
VB reported that she was still awaiting information regarding the wildflowers
Fund Raising / Events
Dog show 17th August, Alan dingle (AD) to prepare an article for the newsletter.
Easter egg hunt it was agreed to try and organise this event next year.
There were no further items of committee business.
Meeting closed: 9:15pm Next meeting: 18th April 2019, 8pm in the Village Hall
21 Feb 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Kate Rosindale (Treasurer), Wendy Warne (Secretary), Martin Barrett, Val Bradbury, Richard Copson, Kevin Gibson, Mike Riding, Martin Rosindale. Davie Stitt (Councillor)
Apologies: Ian Blake (Councillor) Joanne Harris, Robert Kennedy
1 & 2 Attendance and Apologies: As noted above
3. Committee Changes
The chairman welcomed Wendy Warne to her first meeting and thanked her for taking on the role as Secretary. It was noted that Kate Rosindale (KR) wished to resign as Treasurer. David Jamieson (DJ) thanked her for all the work that she had done. After some discussion, Val Bradbury(VB) proposed Richard Copson (RC) for this role. KR seconded this proposal. RC agreed to meet with KR prior to the next meeting.
4. Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting (21st January 2019)
The minutes were accepted as a correct record.
5. Matters Arising
Village Communications Martin Rosindale (MR) confirmed that he had produced and distributed a Newsletter, which had been very well received. A further one would be produced as and when required. Any items for the Newsletter should be emailed to MR.
Update from the Kipp Group RC confirmed that an update had been sent to the Colvend Community Council.
VB indicated she had spoken to David Hawker and was awaiting dates from him for his return visit.
Scottish Water/damage to mains pipes It was noted that Scottish power had only just been requested to provide a quote by Scottish Water. MR questioned whether this was becoming a heath and safety issue. RC indicated that SEPA had been contacted. DJ advised that he would raise this with SW
6. Treasurer’s Report
6 donations had been received since the last meeting totalling £245
No income had been received for rents, events or car parking.
Other income: heating box £120, and compensation from RBS for the delay in changing the mandate £150 plus travel/call costs £70.20. The travel/call costs KR proposed to claim.
Outgoings: all outstanding bills have been paid, a credit of £58.91 has been received from Kinnairds
The Kipp: Balance £17,909.93
The Hall and Car Park: Balance £25,226.16
Cash Book Balance: £43,136.09.
7. Hall Managers Report
A local club had looked at the pool table with a view to us donating it to them, but unfortunately they could not utilise it as it was pub size and not league size.
The new door closure has now been fitted.
The new curtains are to be fitted on Tuesday 26th February. It was noted that a sound specialist would then be engaged regarding the PA/microphone system. This would then complete the refurbishment of the hall.
Various updates have been added to the website
131 subscribers on the email list, the facebook page has 629 followers: 108 on Twitter; 250 on Instagram.
Hall Bookings
New booking; 28 September /Private Function
Up and coming Hall Events; 15 March Parkinson’s Group fund raising event, 11/12 May Private function, 31 May/2 June Wedding.
DJ agreed to check the date for the Kippford Artist Event.
DJ meeting will locksmith to review Village Hall door lock options on Monday 25 February.
8. Update from the Kipp Group
Alan Dingle (AD) informed the meeting that he had received a request from Kimberly Phillips for details of how the money had been spent. AD had responded and it was noted that Kimberly Phillips wanted to return and see what progress had been made.
The RSPB had made a recent visit, and they had been very enthusiastic about the work being undertaken. They indicated that they would be looking for volunteers to carry out a survey in Spring and Autumn to ascertain if there had been any increase in species.
The open evening had been well attended and positive feedback had been received.
The Kipp had appeared in two recent articles in the Galloway News, and RC & MR had also been interviewed by a local radio station.
4,600 trees had been delivered and planting was due to take place on Saturday and Sunday 23/24 February.
VB had received information on suitable flowers which could be planted, a budget of £150 was agreed for the purchase.
VB would be attending a Wildlife Recorders’ day on 30th March organised by the South West Scotland Environmental Wildlife Information Centre.
9. Village Dinner
It was agreed that the village Dinner would take place in the village hall on Friday 10th May. Joanne Harris (JH) to organise caterers.
10. Fund Raising / Events
VB proposed an antique valuation day, Flog It style. She indicated that this could be carried out by Thomson Roddick of Dumfries. VB to confirm dates.
Easter Egg Hunt DJ to obtain further information regarding organising this event, which would take place on Easter Sunday 21 April.
Dog Show AD indicated he was awaiting details of the Kippford Artist Exhibition before he could organise the Dog Show.
11. AOCB
Hall Kitchen: VB proposed that consideration be given to extending the hall kitchen. After some discussion it was agreed that this could be provisionally looked at. Kevin Gibson (KG) agreed to speak to an architect and arrange with the hall manager for them to look at the present kitchen and site.
Planning Application: DJ indicated that he had received correspondence from a homeowner in the village about a proposed planning application. It was not felt that this was appropriate business for the Kippford Association and DJ agreed to respond, suggesting that they may wish to raise the issue with the Roughfirth committee.
Meeting closed: 9:15pm Next meeting: 21 March 2019, 8pm in the Village Hall
21 Jan 2019
Attendance: David Jamieson (Chair), Alan Dingle (Vice Chair), Kate Rosindale (Treasurer), Martin Barrett, Val Bradbury, Richard Copson, Kevin Gibson, Joanne Harris, Robert Kennedy, Mike Riding, Martin Rosindale
Apologies: Ian Blake (Councillor), Davie Stitt (Councillor)
1 & 2 Attendance and Apologies: As noted above
3 Minutes of previous meeting. Minutes accepted
4. Matters arising
David thanked Joanne, Val and Kevin for their help with the 1st January event in the village hall. It was very well attended by Villagers.
Someone in the village has kindly offered to step into the role of secretary. However, they would be unable to meet on a Monday evening, as per the current schedule. We discussed various days to suit everyone and David will now go back to the volunteer to see if the new day/time suits.
5. Treasurer’s report
We have received 18 donations totalling £800. Cash donations have also been taken at the AGM and New Year Lunch.
Rents: Received from Bowling Club and Yogalates etc.
Wine tasting raised £86.00. The Carol Concert in December, the Hogmanay gathering and the New Years’ Day lunch were successful. Carol concert raised £169.67 – donation to Kings Grange Singers of £100.
Car park donations £456.45.
Other income: Electricity meter £210
The usual cleaning and electricity bills were paid. The Christmas tree cost £276. Printing costs for the AGM were £106.03. The PPL licence cost £121.20. Wine etc for the Carol Concert and New Year’s Day lunch were approx. £200.
The Kipp:
Balance at the start of the year was £5,125.93. Income from grants was £19,000. Expenditure was £13,787. Balance £10,338.93.
The Hall and Car Park:
Balance at start £27,639.48. Income £3,491.94. Expenditure £6,269.09. Balance £24,862.33.
Cash Book Balance: £35,201.26.
6. Hall Manager’s Report
We have too many people holding a key for the village hall. The proposal is to replace the locks and maintain a signed list of key holders.
The new Hall curtains are coming! Slight delay with the fabric but now resolved.
Tidal times are now available on the website.
131 subscribers on the email list. Our Facebook page has 623 followers; 107 on Twitter; 242 on Instagram.
Hall Bookings
New bookings: Two enquires for later in the year, nothing confirmed as yet.
Up and coming Hall events: 26 January RNLI Fund Raising Lunch, then Yacht Club prize giving. 15 March – Parkinson’s Group fund raising event
7. Update form the Kipp Group
We have agreed to provide an update to the Colvend Community Council on progress with The Kipp. Richard will prepare this for their next meeting in early February.
David will write to the CCC thanking them for their donation of £8,000 from the EON funds.
Mike confirmed that 4,600 trees are being delivered on 20th February. We are planning an update to villagers in the hall on the 11th February on progress so far with The Kippford Community Nature Reserve – we will also seek volunteers to help with planting.
Richard is meeting the planning officer to discuss the entrance, parking area, signage and change of use status.
David Hawker (Official Botanical Recorder for Kirkcudbrightshire) would like to return to undertake a woodland survey to add to his survey of the Kipp in June last year.
During the work to prepare for the tree planting, we had some spare time with the digger. Mike spoke with the owners of Kipp Lodge and agreed to help with their flooding concerns in their garden, by moving some soil and also filling in a ditch near their property.
8. Scottish Water / damage to mains pipe
On the 2nd January Richard and David spotted sewage pouring out of a hole in the ground on the perimeter of the road and the land of the Kipp. Richard contacted Scottish Water and SEPA. It appears there is a burst mains sewage pipe. Scottish Water have been in contact with Scottish Power as the area is directly below a mains power cable. SP will need to isolate the power to the cables before SW can dig up and establish where the damage is. In the meantime, SW will install a temporary pumping solution to bypass the area. SP say it may be 8 weeks before they can undertake their works. David and Richard will keep on top of SW
9. Village Communications
We discussed alternative ways to keep villagers up to date on events. Currently we rely on an email list, and notices in the board at the village hall. Occasionally paper notices are also circulated. Some feel this is not enough.
We agreed that village communications will now appear in the notice boards at the hall and the bus stop. We will also look to produce an occasional paper newsletter to be circulated around all houses. Email updates will continue too.
Martin R will take forward the production of the newsletter and gather content
10. Fund Raising / Events
Val brought forward a few new ideas for general fund raising. We all agreed with these and she will come back with proposed dates
The Village dinner will again be held in the Village Hall. Feedback is that it works very well in the hall, and allows people to return home easily. Joanne will speak to caterers on suggested dates and menus. We will explore entertainment options to complement the evening.
11. AOCB
Kevin raised the seawall issue and would like to speak to the council further on this. While we had confirmed last year that the council have no money to repair it, he feels that it could be opened up to provide access on foot to the shore. Kevin will pick this up with the Council and report back
Meeting closed: 9:25pm Next meeting: (provisionally) 21 February 2019 8pm