Donations to the Association

The Village Hall, carpark and grounds require constant maintenance which is funded by donations. In the last few years, we have spent over £15,000 on major improvements to the Village Hall.

We are also now working on the establishment of the Kippford Community Nature Reserve, having planted nearly 5,000 native trees. That work was fully funded by grants from various bodies that strongly support our aim – Scottish Natural Heritage, Forestry Commission Scotland, D&G Council, The Lottery Fund and others but we need donations to support the maintenance of the reserve.

The Association needs your donations to ensure the future of the village facility. Please give generously.

You can also make a payment by bank transfer to Kippford Association, sort code 83.17.24, Account No 00162955.

If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid then please complete this form Charity Gift Aid Declaration and email it to or send it to The Treasurer, c/o The Kippford Association, The Sail Loft, Jubilee Path, Kippford, Dalbeattie, DG5 4LW